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Posts posted by neonecko

  1. can we make it like at least 100 posts to enter or something?

    I don't have a hundred posts but I've been on sufu long enough to reap its benefits. I don't understand how this restriction could benefit anyone. If people want to get in on this contest so much that they would register to sufu, that's a good thing.

  2. my 360 got a red ring, but the store replaced it on the spot, no arguements.

    From playing GTA4 on both consoles I think the 360 is better - the graphics/draw in rate etc are much smoother but Killzone2 and Metal Gear still make the PS3 look tempting. I prefer the 360 controller too.

    definitely agree with you on the GTA4 comment. It just doesn't look as good on PS3.

  3. When you get skimped on change! This motherfucker, I gave him $20 for a pack of smokes and he gave me $4. At the time I was in a rush and did not even notice. $16 cigarettes, fucking a.

  4. I am currently working on my brass knuckles fade, but it's not really turning out as i imagined. I have the outer outline coming out pretty noticeable but the inner part is just... missing. The circles for your fingers are not clear and neither is the bottom part that is between the circles and the part against your hand. any help? i'll post a pic up tomorrow. (not home)

    Wæk Sos! (10char)

  5. exactly... and a lot of people in this thread dont give them enough credit... Sure they sue a lot of our favorite brands... But I can guarantee not one person wouldnt due the same (tho maybe not to the extent of "any tab between two pieces of cloth")

    Nah, fuck that. Levi's time is over. They need sit down and embrace competition. Create new innovative designs to keep with up the market. Not sue the shit out of smaller brands over 'IP'. Yes the arcs and tabs definitely help define Levi's image. But I feel it was out of respect that these companies made repros. Levi's should be so honored to have their vintage cuts glorified and reproduced at far better quality. Its clear nobody wants their new shit. It's soulless† companies like this and Microsoft that try to buy-out and sue everything that stands in their way. :P

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