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Posts posted by vjiforlife

  1. warren g, you fucking hacked off alot!!! however, can't really tell how they stack. take more pics with shoes. damn, i wanted those in black too!!! they will become your favorite after about a week of wear.

  2. Woot I just bought some SEXI04Black. I had to, was the last 31 pair.

    Can't wait for em =]

    damn you!!! you will love em though. got them in indigo and was going for the black pair. let me know if they don't work out for you.....

  3. questions i can't really find the answer:

    do the court shoes in low exist in dark grey ?

    my dark grey achilles are my favorite pair of cp, but i like the court shoes shape.

    Court shoes only come in black or white. Grey would be nice though.

    they also come in red and navy at den.

  4. I agree completely...I don't think I've seen pictures of any one-wash skulls that look very good.

    I have a pair of one wash skulls that I've had for a bit over a year and worn them on and off. There was a stint where i wore them everyday for almost two months. I've washed them once about 2 months ago and have not worn them. I will try to post pics in a few days to show the difference in fading from the one wash to raw.

  5. Those look like they started out raw.

    I really dislike the way Skull's denim looks in one-wash state, they destory it during the washing/drying process.

    I agree with you Kiya. I have a pair of the one wash 5010's and I regret getting them in no wash. Compared to all the no washes I see, the fading process is completely altered by one washing these.

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