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Posts posted by dremsburg

  1. A Tribe Called Quest - Skypager

    Tha Pharcyde - Ya Mama

    De La Soul - Wonce Again Long Island

    TV On the Radio - A Method

    De La Soul - Shwingolakate

    The Smiths - Cemetry Gates

    Cormega - Get Out My Way

    Binary Star - Slang Blade (Intro)

    Wilco - What Light

    Battles - Snare Hangar

  2. ^^ I really don't think the suction on a pool jet could create the kind of force neccessary to do something so detrimental to a human being. but if it could that would be one hell of a shitty way to die.

    Here's a story about a girl whose intestines were sucked out of her rectum, so it is definitely possible for something similar to happen at a pool

  3. My dad is real cool, but my mom's dad sounds insane from the stories I have heard. He was super strict about everything. For example, he wouldn't let anyone watch TV when he wasn't home. He would check the back of the TV when he got home from work to see if it was hot. If it was hot, it meant someone was watching it and someone was going to get their ass beat.

    Some of you may have been locked in your room when you were younger, but when he was mad he handcuffed them to their beds. On one occasion, he put my aunt in a burlap bag, and then hanged her in the oven.:eek: Its one thing to discipline your kids, but to hang them in the fucking oven? He died before I was born, but it really makes me appreciate my dad 100x more.

  4. hmmmm thats a tough decision. Get both!

    No seriously, the contest jeans are a once only chance. You can always get the sammies later..... and do because they are seriously nice.

    The decision would be so much easier if I didn't have to wait 2~3 months for the Warehouses..

    Argh! I want some jeans now goddammit!!!

    Decisions, decisions... At least there's an upside, I don't think I can make a bad choice going either way.:D

  5. The jeans should ship out in August.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, and add anything if necessary...

    Has it been confirmed that the jeans will be shipped out in August? I don't remember reading anything about that...

  6. Hey cheep, I have a question regarding the leather patch. In earlier posts you say it will be custom but then you said it will be original. Does that mean it is the dubbleworks patch "upgraded" to leather, or is it still going to be custom. If custom, do you have any designs you can show us?

  7. I live in a salt mining town, which means lots of sodium in the air getting my nice black shoes all white and shitty, what's the best way to keep black or off black canvas shoes from looking like you've been walking through a cocaine factory, and the same for non-canvas sneakers like AF-1s.
    I live in a coal town, which means lots of grime in the air getting my nice white shoes all grey and shitty, what's the best way to keep white or off white canvas shoes from looking like you've been walking through an burnt out building, and the same for non-canvas sneakers like AF-1s.

    Was I the only one who recognized this?

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