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Posts posted by syddhartha

  1. i don't know... i kinda like the chloe more. i do actually.

    i don't see too many chloes. there are alot of chanels out there. and the chloe seems more practical. something you could use with anything you wear, whereas the chanel seems more suitable for dressing up.

  2. aw guys i got mine today. TOO SMALL. i pm'd superads seeing if i can do anything about it... but otherwise the jeans are sexy as hell. i love them. if only they fit ugh

    how did you guys size up? i should've researched more before throwing my size out.

    but the shirt's super soft. i'm wondering if the shoes are on their way too?

  3. anyways. shit i hate:

    1. toothpaste falling off your toothbrush. and then having to put more on. and then having old crusty toothpaste in your sink, which brings me to my next point...

    2. cleaning my bathroom.

    3. when you have an obvious change in your image (hair, new clothes/shoes, etc.) and having to deal with people you see everyday. it always feels awkward for me. like "YES IT'S NEW"

  4. i've tried in the past to date asian dudes, but they all turn out to be overly-emotional, doting whiners who want their girls to be a typical asian girl that squeals every time their overly-emotional doting whiner of a boyfriend buys them an LV bag.

    i hope one day i'm proven wrong. i'm starting to feel bad about passing the good ones (assuming they exist) over for manipulative white assholes - which, by the way, is my gripe. i hate dating white guys.

    i'm an asian mix and i date an asian. in fact, i've had a history of dating asians. never had the LV problem. asians are 100x more interesting than white guys. better style, choice in everything. etc.

    but i think this might just be my personal preference and not a growing trend. :[ sorry.

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