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Posts posted by Superchief

  1. just a tempest in a teapot

    a passing of hot wind

    don't bother learning his name, he likely won't be around too much longer

    hey this is a pretty good post man. keep posting well like this. anyway i'm out for the day, gonna hit the bookstore and read a little bit.

  2. I love when kids go through the trouble of going through all my past posts for ammunition for their sweet burns.

    Who are you again?


  3. fortunately superchief is around now, kinda like the fat best friend of Jack that he takes places to make himself look better in comparison.

    not sure what superchief's doing here though, other than to jump on the dick of the "streetwear" posters here while simultaneously attacking all the other posters with the fury of a closet homosexual.

    i take it back, he's kinda like the younger brother with downs syndrome that milspex never had.

    i love you, but i am milspex's gay younger brother who embarassed him so much he became extremely conservative. we dont talk anymore :(

  4. I think we've reached a breakthough in this thread. Jackphotography's aesthetic taste is somewhat related to mass appeal, and therefore irreconcilable to superfuture at large, and therefore the constant conflict.

    You know, it might be time to go seperate ways...

    speak english you chinee motherfucker.

  5. not defending the look but i dont think clothes were invented to make women look sexy.

    are you crazy? then why isn't everyone wearing a shapeless sack like she is?

    edit: i just realized you wear silly cosplay outfits like doctorworm. smh.

  6. yeah that girls outfit is so ugly. why the hell does she want to wear clothes that arent sexy? clothes were made to accentuate the female form, not hide it. she could look sexier in wal mart. i dont know hwy you guys are hating on jack his fits are fucking awesome.

  7. the fit on carl's shirt could be moar better (it could be just the angle), but he executed the cuff pretty well. he's well on his way on being a stylish old man. (That's a good thing).

    yea that faux crop is the dopeness. should that be called the "faux crop" or "safety crop"? i like it because it reminds me of faux hawks which are the dopeness.

  8. man...worm just looks like a complete godless homosexual. probably homeless too. what is he doing raping skateboarding like that? so disingenuous. witts on the other hand came with HEAT. thems is some nice sneakers man and the whole outfit is fire. carl came with heat too. i like those vans and that is a clean outfit getting ur grown man on with them vans topsiders.

  9. oh btw time for me to hold up the cold objective mirror: YOU DRESS BAD. anyone who cares about clothes wouldn't notice you and would assume you don't care about what you're wearing (like i said...constant struggle...). i guess the good thing is that you probably didn't spend a lot of money to look like crap. the only thing interesting about any of your opinions is that you seem to think they're good (they're not). objectively...you don't "belong" on supertalk. what does that mean...oh yes that you're here for some reason other than discussing clothing. what a genius i must be to figure that out, huh? why don't you go to offtopic.com if you want to discuss being a douchebag on the internet? surely there is some reason? is it because you like hating on fags who wear clothes that aren't lame? please please answer, "not a mantrap."

  10. so you dislike him because he negged you. great. anyway if you think everyone who doesnt wear shitty clothes from the mall is a cosplayer, then why aren't you friends with constant struggle? he's got that whole Express/H&M thing down pat and so does that guy fndmybetterhalf. thanks for giving your opinion for once, regardless of how bad it is.

  11. i'm a trendhopping hypebeast from niketalk. now i've beasted over everything: tiffany dunk SB and the tshirts that match em, rogue status gun show shirts, vans half cabs, futura, supreme, crooks, lanvin, you name it i beasted over it. now i'm beasting on some THE 6THS and murakami books, where can i get hooked up?

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