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Posts posted by defiance

  1. the sad truth is that sweatshops will always be around unless there is economic restructuring done at a national level - but who's going to do it? while the unemployment rate in bangladesh isn't ridiculously high (~5%), approx. 40% of the labour force is underemployed; having a low-paying job is, well, better than having none. yes, it is the intentional exploitation of third world countries by large MNCs, but the problem is much more deeply rooted at an economic level than simply pushing the blame toward specific industries.



    There are some good things happening at the upper end of the market. Belgian designers producing things domestically, Yohji Yamamoto and Comme des Garcons single handedly keeping many artisan workshops alive, the trend of heritage clothing and the associated means of production, and so on.


    positive signs no doubt, but the main reason why domestic production works for these designers is simply because they have utilised it right from the start, and basically just had to stick with that business model; to replace offshore manufacturing with domestic production is a whole new ballgame. to draw an example, have a look at how several uk retailers have been trying to bring their production lines back to the uk in recent years, but are seeing little commercial success.



    fundamentally, the entire issue of making fashion more sustainable requires changes at all parts of the production-consumption cycle, and neither party is willing to be the one who bites the first bullet - consumers undermine the impact of making conscious choices when consuming clothing at an individual level without considering the power of demand as a collective, and continue to support these unsustainable/unethical practices; manufacturers simply respond towards consumer demand - why change anything if they're still buying it?

  2. [ ] score a distinction for foundation degree, do top-up year for bachelor's

    [ ] secure a long-term internship

    [ ] vacation in new york

    [ ] set aside a fixed amount of money every month to save

    [ ] have a healthier diet - less snacks, make more effort to cook

    [ ] continue building up comme/yohji wardrobe

    [ ] buy less, buy better, buy on sale


    happy 2014.

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