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Posts posted by keykoo

  1. To be fair, the US standards are a little lax compared to SK (and Japan's) regulations. For example, parts of slaughtered cattle are still fed back into the cattle supply. A case was discovered in 2003 and it is commonly believed that incubation time for BSE is relatively long... Until recently, Japan had restrictions on US cattle and there was a relative amount of grumbling from the populace. Both South Korea and Japan were sort of bullied into lifting their sanctions, so I imagine in South Korea, a nation of crazy nationalists, this might have set them off even further.

  2. I'm not sure what my true waist is. Prob around 30'". I wear a 29 in 45rpm's and KMW, 28 in Dior MIJ, 30's in Cloak, and 27 in APC. The waist on these fit fine (snug, but that's how I like it...)

    The wallet is a Paul Smith wallet.

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