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Posts posted by jim_n

  1. I'm sure this has probably been discussed in the thread and I apologize, but can someone school me on creatine. Blends? before or after a workout? In a warm liquid? any other do's and dont's. Thanks guys

  2. The default one is still quite shiny to begin with (default is featured on my belt and the earlier prototype.)

    If you didn't asked for it to be polished than it is unlikely Charlie would have done it for you


    hehe I must be confused, thought unpolished would look similar to the one beautiful_freak posted. anyways this belt is about to blow the loops off my new roys. thing is a beast, so thick at the buckle. Still its surprisingly soft compared to the russet bridle belt, which is very stiff.

  3. thanks for clearing that up mike, im cool with that. my package just has to get out of customs :/

    edit: got mine today. it's the polished buckle would have preferred the default, oh well its still a lovely belt.

  4. let an old friend stay at my place for a week he takes ridiculously long hot showers, leaves my tv on all night, leaves doors wide open. cant even use a damn bowl when eating my bag of pistachios just builds a little mound on my coffee table. dont ask for a place to stay then treat it like a hotel. also, when going to sporting events with people that just want to bullshit the whole time, seriously try and take in some of the game, fuck.

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