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Posts posted by hansoo417

  1. Just to clarify, since hot soaking raw jeans will get rid of the starch, will they lose the stiffness of rigid denim after the hot soak? I'm guessing they do, and is so i'm guessing I just have to spray some starch on to get back the stiffness?

  2. 5'4" 130lbs true waist 28

    I hate skinny jeans and I like mine a bit loose. I'm thinking of returning the ES. I likethe fit of the Rag and Bones a bit better. The rise is a bit high but I don't like how low the rise is on the ES. The hip buld is also pretty nasty. Please comment

    I wish they had 28w in both of these but 29 was the smallest they had. They still need to be hemmed or maybe I can try stacking them, we'll see. Sorry for the crappy pics.

    Earnest Sewn Hemmingway 29w


    Rag & Bone RB6 indigo selvage 29w


    If I could only keep one which one would it be?

  3. Originally my PRPS jeans had a really light tan tag and the letters looked pretty faded. After one hot soak, the patch is a bit darker and the letters are much darker and more defined. But the patch is an ugle brown. It had almost a gray tint to it. I'm trying to darken it up a bit and give it a deepr brown. I'm thinking of getting some obenoufs leather oil. Any thoughts?

  4. I like the wide legs on my PRPS purple selvage. I'm looking to buy my second pair of raw jeans and was wondering if there's another pair of pants out there that has similar wide legs. I like it really tight around my waist and butt, snug in the thighs, and looser as it goes down. Obviously I love the boot cut and i really hate the skinny jeans. Can someone point me to a specific pair of jeans that might fit this?

  5. I'm also looking for sweaters in size small. preferably a v-neck. Also i'm looking for ones that fit snug around the torso. i have kinda broad shoulders and a large chest for someone my height and hate it when the sweater just drapes over my torso.

  6. I'm also looking for a new hairstyle. I have long straight black hair. I think i have enough hair to do do almost anything. lol I don't want it too long anymore. I looking for something stylish but clean. I also don't like it real short, no buzz or shave or short spikey. pics would help out alot too.

  7. I'm liking some of the wallet chains i'm seeing in outfits. Do you guys buy those with the wallet or seperately. And if u buy them seperately than can you use em with any wallet. I wanna get a chain but i don't want a new wallet.

  8. I have a 29x31. Wondering if anyone has a 28x30 that would want to trade with me. Theres a few days of wear on these. nothing significant. I don't really wanna hafta go get these tailored.

    These are the one wash raw purple selvage thats all crumpled up.

  9. I just got a pair of prps purple selvage jeans. Absolutely love em. But the leather patch looks a little dull. Was wondering if I could add alitle oil to these to make em look better. I hear its only good for real leather and not suede or anything so i wanted to confirm that the prps jeans had real leather patches.


    I really like the look on the oiled patches.

    So what product should I use? Some are saying that mink oil is bad and some say its fine.

    also anyone know what weight denim is the prps purple selvage? They feel kinda light.

    bumpity bump

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