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Posts posted by plongin

  1. waywt_mar13_01.jpg


    Fanny Pack

    The Flat Head 3001


    dude, it looks like you just enlisted in the military or something....thats a recruit haircut!

    not trying to diss, just that coming from somewhere like singapore where there's mandatory national service, you see all the dudes have that haircut once in their lives (at least) , and thats right after they enter the army.

  2. I should be opening up a box containing a pair of White Selvedge Somet Jeans chainstitched to 32" any day now.

    My body cannot wait for white selvedge jeans.

    we would definitely need pics of that...

  3. I shattered my nail trying to do up the buttons on my NS. I also crushed my hips with some Diors and it hurt quite a bit (I got rid of those and sized up 2).

    This thread is awesome.

    Similar injury. i broke half a nail like that, cant remember which pair though.

  4. I use a shoe string.

    not by choice though.

    honestly, you shouldnt. if you can avoid the shoe string, avoid it.

    those female brand always have skinny belts for pretty cheap....zara, mango, topshop, h&m.. etc..

  5. anything in the financial world (other than maybe, a teller or something) makes a good living

    investment banker

    financial analyst


    financial planner

    venture capitalist

    I agree....

    although I would argue that travel journalists have just about the best job in the world..... Ian wright, anthony bourdain...etc...

  6. I can't tell you if they will be as flattering or stuff like that, BUT 1.3" difference in the rise, inseam difference, plus tons of other differing measurements all around, not to mention the darting on the ass, make it a completely different pair of jeans.

    The basic measurements like rise, inseam, waist, etc. don't define jeans and can only be as a tool to help choose your size, there's many more measurements that would be used to determine the difference in cuts and even then you couldn't be sure.

    i have to agree. i have a pair of 19cms and a pair of 21cms; when measured out there are very very minute differences in measurements, however when worn, they look completely different.

  7. ok thats it, im heading to front row tomorrow. :D

    hmmm...sizing one down will still get you quite a loose waist in the end, but that would take a while...so it should be alright. sizing down 2 sizes would make u suffer a hell lot in the first few weeks...

  8. hey do you all know where i can get the cheap monday regular in raw black denim? do they have it at tangs or QC? and if they do, whats the price? thanks for the help in advance!

    you could prob find em at both spots....although I think you'd have better luck at tangs cause qc didnt seem to have alot left the last time i popped by...

    btw, (this might sound gay), but anyone know where to get nice vests in singapore? (preferably not too expensive)

  9. i think the closest you're gonna get to a Carroll retro is that mad x t19 joint.

    Peep what i found this weekend.. passed up on two 7.5's

    i promised myself i wouldn't buy shoes i don't fit anymore!



    if anyone can fit them or just wants them.. i can get them for $75

    dayumnnn! those are nice.

  10. First post here... so hello...

    I have read about Front Row being quite popular in this thread, so I was wondering whether you guys could tell me how much APC cures (Old and new). I am trying to decide on a pair of much needed jeans.



    $240 SGd if im not wrong....but i might be...

    havent been back at front row in a while

  11. how the hell can they price anything like that for usd1300???!

    I remember seeing a pair of evisus with 24k gold stitching.... thats the only reason why i feel they could charge so much....are those it?

  12. you look confused. nbhd with a d2 belt and aa hoody?

    its like wearing hysteric glamour and supreme and julius altogether. maybe throw in some BxH into the mix too.

    actually i think the fit itself is fine. there's two ways to look at it. if you just look at the clothes and disregard the brands (or if he just posted his fit without the description of the brands) , he wouldn't be getting this backlash of criticism.

    I guess it's just a matter of perception. some people don't like putting together a fit made up of mixed cultures, and some people don't mind. but with the fine lines between cultures getting more and more blurred, I won't be surprised if the notion of "mixing brand cultures is taboo" gets eradicated some time in the near future.

    my guess is that is wardrobe is in "transition" : i.e getting rid of the ol hypebeast brands (nhbd and all) , and replacing em with the new hypebeast brands (lad musician, AA etc...)

    not an excuse, 13 oot legs. shldve gone beltless. and hoodyless and shirtless

    lotsa chinese kids (esp here in singapore) have a bad habit of stacking everything "cool" together. so you get a dude wearing some snopants, a red camo bape shirt, unbuttoned, a preme box t on the inside.

    yeap, very true about the "stacking everything cool", but its a completely different example though. snopants, bape, preme box tee are all of street culture (they just put together too many cool things that they forgot to make themselves look pretty)... whereas this dude stacked stuff that looked fine together, but not necessarily in the brand sense.

    and true that about the singaporean chinese kids.

  13. to me, fit and comfort go hand-in-hand. i'm not going to wear something uncomfortable because it'll show in how i wear it.

    spot on.

    Been there done that. as long as it looks good, what else matters?

    comfort matters.

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