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Posts posted by cmirsky

  1. fakeedit: ^^ I, personally, would look bad in those. Those particular tapered jeans fit your style very well.

    Jesus. I'm not attacking anyone. Just voicing opinion. Its cool if you disagree.

    I totally agree with you, but SuperFuture is a very close-minded forum. You will receive lots of hate from just about everyone for any opinion you have that differs--even slightly--from their own.

    You can't actually discuss anything on this forum. Discussion threads become a flamewar by about the fifth reply.

    The way you started the thread was a bad idea too.

  2. you're totally right. i guess not too many people share your sentiments.

    Yep. And that MUST surely mean the way i look/dress is unacceptable. We all know having the pack back up your look makes it satisfactory.

    Your arguments are faulty; you have proven that.

    I will always be submediocre and proud.

    Now, can we move on?

  3. alterna-teen/whatever. i remember when men were men and women were women. he mentioned that he was into the "androgynous look."

    the fit is alright. the actual peices of said subject's wardrobe are submediocre.

    Ah. I just noticed I was in here again.

    I have never had a problem with the androgynous look, in fact I like it to an extent--not to the extreme of newer Dior Homme pieces though. I'm not a big masculine man...just not the way I'm built. I'm scrawny and I think the androgynous look works for my body type alot of the time.

    I'm sorry that my "pieces" are submediocre. Many of the pieces that pass as SuperFashion here, I dislike. So, I'll stick with my submediocre if that is ok.

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