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Posts posted by Ffenix

  1. We just got word that customs isn't clearing the SEXIH01BK shipment till Tuesday, so seven days to go..

    Trust me, this sucks for us as much as it does for you.


    Noooooo~! I'm going through 21oz. denim withdrawals... :(

  2. I'd post some pics but I'm still waiting for the SEXIH overdyes to arrive... I have to say, even though I haven't tried every denim brand out there, the SEXIH, or perhaps Iron Heart in general, is the best denim I've ever worn...

    Man, the suspense is killing me! Kiya, are you sure the overdyes are coming this Friday-ish? ;-)

  3. I spy red arcuate flatheads

    That would be me. The Flat Head 5100 was love at first sight... as well as the Iron Heart 634 a few months ago, and now the SEXIH.

    God... I hate you Self Edge!

    (not really... but my wallet does! :D)

  4. Are most of your clients for your more expensive jeans from Superfuture and other internet sites? I can't see a "novice" (for lack of a better word), coming in and spending 3, 400 on a pair of jeans they've never heard of.

    I was a "novice" when I came into Self Edge one time and became extremely interested in Japanese denim (for better or worse). I had no prior knowledge about denim, until I tried a pair of Iron Heart 634S. The feel of the 21oz. Iron Heart denim is just sublime. And this happened before joining SuFu.

    It also helps too that I live very close to Self Edge. I'm really happy that I stuck around the Valencia-Mission area through the harshest times in the past couple of decades. =D

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