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Posts posted by Cali

  1. That was one of my first thoughts too because the numbers look like a good fit and the price is about right but everything I hear is that their quality is not up to snuff and even at a discount might not be worth it. Since this will put a serious strain on any jeans I am afraid I would have to repair them a lot = not fun.

  2. Wow Cotton you give me even more hope, guess its premium all the way. I didn't really want to spend any money on crap jeans anyway. How sad is it that when faced with a huge project the first thing I think is 'Oh shit I could get some good fading!'

    Guess it isn't called workwear for nothing.

    Now I just gotta figure out which jeans to buy. I am trolling ebay for some RRLs, but Canes or Johnbulls from Japan are also on the list. I want a pair of KMW 2010s but not sure if I want to outlay that much for my work project.

  3. Are you looking for raw denim? Do you have a price range? Why multiple pairs?

    If you want an intro model that is bootcut try the Nudie Regular Ralph.

    Oh and be prepared to get flamed.

  4. I just anticipate sweat, dirt, mud, paint, oil, chemicals etc. The smell factor is certainly one component.

    Here are Gordon's sams that he washed every two weeks,


    They look nice but not going to risk getting paint on my best jeans (plus the heat). Gives me hope for hard wear and semi-regular washing

  5. I have a pair of S5000 that I wear daily but I am holding out on washing them, and thus want something else for working. Also the backyard can turn into a burning hell in the middle of the day so the 17oz might not be the best plan.

  6. I understand what you mean about costs and stores but Gordon is an awesome guy who has connections to other companies that we might not even be able to talk to otherwise. If he can hook us up with something cool that we couldn't get on our own isn't that worth considering? And if he negotiates a good price for us and takes a small piece for his efforts I have no problem whatsoever.

    Only issue for me is that I want arcuates! Maybe custom SuFu arcuates?

  7. My only reason for not going premium is that I might have to wash them once a week, although I remember seeing Gordon's Sams that he washed pretty frequently and they looked nice.

    As to the ES I heard they are not sturdy at all. If ebay is my way wouldn't I be better off with APC or RRL for durability?

    Or if Zipangu Treasures would come back I might score some 47 Canes for a decent price.

  8. I thought about stf but I would like something I might actually wear somewhere else should they turn out nice i.e with a decent fit. I would lean towards the 514 over the STF as long as they can get over my Redwings

  9. So, I am going to be doing a lot of work around my parents' house/yard this summer and I was thinking it would be a good opportunity for a cheap denim project. As serious labor could equal some good fade I want to get some raw jeans to beat the hell out of, only problem is that I will have to wash them somewhat frequently.

    Is this even worth the effort? And which jeans to pick? Has to be relatively cheap, thinking 514, H&M, Uniqlo or some ebay junk.

  10. I also think it is reasonable for us to know what would be offered with 100 people, I think there are clearly that many interested in a contest between the two camps and the fence-sitters. If both companies made their offers as to denim, details, and cost we might have an easier time getting locked down.

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