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its swanny

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Posts posted by its swanny

  1. ah, she's 17, so it isn't that bad, I just don't like strange people sneaking around and messing with my sister. The strange thing is that I was drinking a beer while watching TV earlier (like 25 minutes before i came upstairs) and I asked her if she wanted a sip and she said "no" and made a face like 'yuck' and now she is out behind my garage drinking if up with some guy who goes by 'mule'...

    you're a terrible brother.

  2. i can't stop thinking about disasters and terrorist attacks.

    basically how badly i want to see one/be a part of one.

    i 100% don't want people to die...nor die myself

    i'm just obsessed with envisioning massive accidents on the freeway or a bomb going off inside a sports stadium.

    freaking creepy mind i have.

  3. i took around 500 pictures at a concert yesterday.

    i think i may have just deleted them all...from my computer and my sd card...

    thank god i was able to recover all of them.


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