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Posts posted by 40ozprophet

  1. 34. these are a one wash pair that Gordon got for me. the story goes: i went to BiG over spring break and tried on the 34 raws. they were a tad too big, so I ordered a pair of 33s. unfortunately, that shipment was delayed a month, so i emailed Gordon. luckily, he was in japan and was able to snag me a pair of one-wash 34s. What a nice guy!

  2. well, ive only really worn then two or three times, and it is definately the cheapo dry stuff that doesnt really want to fade. i actually think this might be alycra blend because they are a bit stretchy. nayways, they look really good pinrolled with high top dunks! thats how im wearing them.

  3. Hahahaha. Welcome to Philadelphia.

    Unrelated, since we're discussing denim in Philly I'm pretty happy to say that tomorrow and next week I'm getting two free pairs of the pumaxevisus in greencast and black for free. Probably the best deal I've ever received from a job.

    what job is this and when can I start?

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