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Posts posted by maydenchina

  1. Girl i like is going to SB this weekend, and shes been gone the last 2 weekends which sucks...ive liked her for a few weeks now since we started hanging out a lot and going to parties. People can tell we kinda have a thing, and I want to escalate it to a real relationship but shes said she doesn't want to be in a relation with someone from her tower (dorm towers), but she does want a relationship...

    It really sucks because I want to move in and tell her how I feel but I'm scared even though I shouldn't be and IT SUCKS AHH

  2. This tshirt will really improve your status in society.

    who is that on your shirt?

    oh just westside

    whos westside?

    hes a guy... from the internet... hes really funny


    no please dont leave

    tell us more about this forum full of guys.

    wait, you take pics of yourselves?

    There's women right?? that's why you're wasting your life on a message board right?

    But yeah, that tee is awesome, some kinda black guy giving the double bird. Oh and he talks like he's from the ghetto?

    Let me cancel my plans for the rest of the day.

    Can we log on now?

    Oh i see another kinda black guy in purple zebra pants. Are there any real black people on here?

    Where do i order?

    convos i could only dream of :(

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