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Posts posted by maydenchina

  1. Woo, finished my graphic design protfolio! Halfway done with my video project too

    half done with my dance routine for Brazil trip, just got us booked to be flown out to Korea, and goin to Chicago and vancouver later this year


  2. ya some dude at a lounge/club tried to come up to me and my homie's girl..

    He walks by..stops awkwardly still facing away from us and tries to crane his head all the way around to look hahaha Then he spouts some nonsense hella stumbling asking 'if we feel that?' then tried to run some random stuff and reloop back to the feeling saying he gets this positive vibe from us like an ocean...then a rollercoaster...

    then i say 'dude...you need some work. First, kino, second, work on your threads and drop the canned shit, third...

    he had been trying to talk over me then when he realized what I was saying stood their dumbfounded...not to mention he was wearing some ugllllyyy ass shit...couldnt even peacock right

    so then i just patted his back and said you shoulda rolled off by now, come back next week :cool: chumpedd

    ahh i feel like a dick but shit was too fun

  3. ya i definitely agree...if your taking it to the level of analyzation and all that jazz about touching girls thats a little to far.

    I think you guys are thinking this is some tactic or something...as soon as your thinking 'oh i need to touch her because ____' then youve failed.. (of course...there are people who do this!)

    Anyone with 'natural' game naturally makes physical contact with people of both genders, where its easy to tell that someone without any game at all rarely touches any person.

    The whole point is to make it natural to actually touch other people..

    anyhow, thats great clopek, i dont think anyone was saying that you needed to know what kino is? or that you have to read books on the subject lol

    sadly theres an enormously high amount of people who just dont know how to function liek they want to..thats why these books exist because theres a high demand hah

    Edit: As a side note I guess I should say that I have read some of these PUA books etc....

    I was curious as a friend was boasting that he had some amazing new thing...honestly those books are ok...but most people who aren't socially inept will just shake your head...some of the stuff is common sense or things that you realize naturally by LIVING and going out...these were essentially tailored for people with absolutely no skills of any kind with women.

    However, there is some interesting theories and information...and "The Game" by Neil Strauss is just a great book overall as its not focused on Pick Up, but just the life of a dude.

    Also, the best part of having read the books is noticing when someone is trying to 'apply' their knowledge in the 'field'. Especially when they have no idea what they are doing and you walk in and screw it up for them and make off with their 'target' haha.

  4. Lol so quick to hate on wesley..

    but I would agree

    of course you cant just go from "no touching' to 'lotsa touching frequently'

    you have to do it like its natural...well...it should just be natural otherwise you will be that awkward weird creepy fuck that hangs around

    wesleys done his homework tho hahaha

    on a side note, anyone ever go out and just watch dudes fail so hard at tryna pick up chicks? I felt so embarassed for one dude...he was walkin around all nerdy and awkward...i wanted to help him..but he ended up creepin out some girl and i was able to get her attention and snatch her away...hehe thanks bro!

  5. quote from some black dude talkin shit to my homie on FB


    For The Record If They Ain't Makin' Millions Doin' This & Aren't Household Names They Still Tryin' To Be Somebody So You Kick Rock's Own That ... See MoreTwice & If You Got A Problem With That I'll See You There Until Then Forget The Online Talk & Far As Your Skillz Fuck You Skillz!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. yesterday i cleaned my room all day, planned out a new design for how i want it set up, reorganized my clothes shoes, and planned out a few projects...then went to practice

    all of this was thouroughly enjoying

    ( i only put this in confessional cuz normally i hate staying at home...i always wanna get out of my house and meet up with ppl)

  7. i like the mix of white and black...

    is there a reason for the letters to be either or?

    maybe it would be cool to spell a word by picking certain letters to be one color or what not

    either way, its cool i just like a contrast in the colors

  8. ya ive been gettin gray terriers and other randoms for like 4-6

    just picked up a few pokes for 8 (only reason i paid that much is cuz its a homie and i owed him like 10 bucks anyhow that he forgot about)

    anyone goin to ETd.pop from here? i am

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