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Posts posted by maydenchina

  1. Been friends with this girl (homie's GF's best friend? haha) for almost a year...

    we finally hooked up over July 4th weekend. I always kinda liked her, but neither of us really talked, even tho we saw each 2-3 weekends every month.

    Now we're crazy about each other..dunno if thats good or bad but I can't lie, I like where I'm at ahaha.

    (on a side note...its a lil weird because shes 29 and I'm 20..but fuck it!)

  2. theres something about being high during the day thats...different

    like I feel special because I get to enjoy the day even more than everyone else I'm seeing that day since tehy arent high

    highs at night are like..the norm...when all the stoners come out lol

  3. ehh prepix was the first part? That was just a 2 minutes overglorified intro...I don't think it was that clean either lol

    and mentality I wouldnt call hiphop...thats more experimental mixed in with like choreo style I would say

    I wish aI saved all the links to the hiphop shows I saw in japan..they killed it out there:

  4. haha, which choreographers do you recommend to watch out for?

    from your other posts, seems like you want people to study/appreciate dance roots. but i'm all for just dancing in general.

    Naw, I'm all about dancing too.

    I would say stop 'looking out for' choreographers...start watching people just dance. Half of those people can't hold it down in a club...you put them somewhere, turn on some music and say alright, lets dance....and they won't be able to do anything lol.

    I could recommend you a lot of people/groups to watch...but I dunno what styles interest you.

    I'd check out elite force and electric trouble...as they are groups who do real hiphop and are some of the best in the world

  5. rockstar cola is dope though..and their juices too (some are 80% juice...thats more than some real juices hahahA)


    I met a girl in Brazil last week...and I thought itd be easy to hookup and bounce but now I catch myself thinking about her...not to mention shes been trying to contact me on FB....blehh and now Im back to normal life of work and school grrr

  6. yo

    i dance on the side, but i wouldn't say i'm super nice. i'm having trouble finding classes in nyc.

    you west coast dudes have all these choreographers at hand. main inspiration for me is shaun evaristo, but there's nobody here in nyc who does his type of choreo

    Fuck shaun evaristo and that bullshit style...theres ppl in NY who do that kind of stuff, trust me...

    that 'choreo' la style shit is whats killin the dance...those ppl don't know how to dance, they just memorize some shitty routines and think they know a lot

  7. ya plateauing happens...to everyone.

    You just gotta push through it...everyone has there own like cycle of progression.

    Mine goes foundation ----> abstraction ----> foundation ----> abstraction haha...i always watch my old footage to get new ideas too which is funny...cuz most of the time I can't redo things that Ive done before

    Ya NYC has popshop on saturdays, I'd hit that up as much as possible...or check out sullivan room on sundays (its a club...lotsa house dancers go). It might not help your popping...but definitely gets you to be a better dancer

  8. haha thanks.. ive been training lol

    But ya, America doesn't really have a dance culture...even here in Cali people don't really dance at clubs...the best place is NY...all the OGs go out every night and they still out do everyone.

    The thing is, a lot of people out here have those resources...and they don't tap into them. I'll spend a lil bit of time n money to go meet up with people, have practices, go out, etc....because thats what your supposed to do!

    Id recommend goin to DC or Boston if thats close too, they have some dancers out there as well.

  9. haha I'm Boy Wonder.

    "i dunno man. if you take out competitions all you have really have are showcases. even cyphers are mini competitions. i personally like to watch competition popping more than shows."

    See...thats the thing though....what came first, the dance or competitions? Dancing did....competition and showcases....thats not the important stuff. Going out to clubs...and dancing with people, sharing and exchanging, growing, thats the important stuff. In this generation of dance, and even the one right before it, none of them really go out and dance. Its all about ooo im gonna train in this studio or in this mirror hella hard and go to a battle. Before it used to be a social thing...go to a party, dance with girls and embarass mufuckas and kill it in the clubs. I'm not even old enough to go clubbing...but I have been going to them for the last 2 years...but most people are happy to just watch their clips, do a lil practice and get ready for their like 2 minute chance of battling lol

    Ciphers are the heart of the dance....When I go to other countries/cities..I don't generally care about the battles. I mean, I will try to win of course, but the outcome doesnt matter because people understand you once they see you in a circle...especially if you kill it all night

    I can appreciate finger tuts and tutting...when its DOPE. JJ is one of my teachers as well..so i understand all of that stuff...plus when I go to LA i see tetris and jr boogaloo who are the best in the world at it...I just can't stand people goin into battles or a circle and think its cool to stand there doing shitty sets offbeat (which trust me...happens a LOT...EVERYWHERE now...even on the streets like branesplode said lol)

    Ya...abdc does expose people to this stuff...so at least some people might be able to find out about the real stuff...but so far it hasn't really done a good job...

  10. really? i think especially with the internet (ie youtube and forums) street dancing has become a lot less underground than it ever has been. this isn't 2001 anymore. you don't have to hop on a plane or even order a dvd to watch ibe, boty, street jam, uk bboy, and there's more and more competitions popping up every year. r16 is pretty new, red bull is less new. i know in korea there's just tons and tons of competitions, domestic and international. kogs have shows all the time. they all have individual schools.

    i also feel like a lot of the street dances are merging together a lot more. it's a lot more acceptable now than it was in the 90s to combine different disciplines (not just breaking with locking or popping, but with tectonics, house (eg born), ballet and hip hop (eg cloud)

    popping is seriously going in a weird direction. a lot of the best poppers have a really distinct style that's really quite different from what it was even just a few years ago (best example would be imo hojin and gucchon).

    Yes, youtube has allowed lots of easy access to information and etc....But that doesn't mean everything you see on youtube is a good representation of these dances. Everything nowadays revolves around stupid competitions and trying to get on tv shows....just because you win a few battles doesn't mean your good. (its also really warped peoples perspective about 'music' and 'musicality'...)

    The thing is, back in the day people just danced...there werent labels like 'oh im a popper' or 'oh im a locker'....everyone knew how to dance because thats what you did at parties...then the specific styles would layer over that....nowadays people are like O IM A POPPER CUZ I CAN DO THIS ONE waVE/TU/GLIDE/SHITTY COMBO

    Personally I think its ok to merge different styles...the thing is people use it as an excuse to not learn foundation or actually put work in....People will always disagree though...you have your purists and you have the people always pushing the boundaries...I'm in between..and having met a load of all these dancers I see the benefits of both views.

    this is what I think: You gotta have foundation...and you have to really understand and know it well...then you build up from there. No ifs, and or buts...if your popping, you gotta know popping foundation (note: not boogaloo foundation...POPPING)...then u can add styles, flavor, character etc.

    Popping is the weirdest dance...thats why I like it. So much variation and stuff....but I hate how theres this gay ass flood of TUTS and Fingertuts now...and shitty musicality and ughhh i could go on forever.

    Anyhow, the reason you see those peoples style changing is because they finally mastered the foundation (or large amount of it), so now they can play around and delve deeper into developing themselves


    About ABDC...it really does suck, no matter how you look at it. No one benefits from it and its a terrible representation of the culture. Anyone who goes on there is a sell out. Period. (And yes, I have told it to people in there face, i'll battle any of them. Supreme Soul is a joke..Im in Soul Sector...and those bastards stole our jackets and everything...only 1 of those guys even battled against jabbawockees...Bionic...and now he doesnt do anything for poppin lol (he used to be my teacher)..anyhow enough of the abdc rant)

    But ya...I have these convos every few weeks...this shit happens in every country and real heads hate it.

    On a side note check out what I did in brazil the last week, got down with bidu and buncha dope ppl from Sao Paolo

  11. had orangestars the other weekend those were dope...

    i might need to hit u up ichiban cuz my peepz are out! haha

    edit: Dont wanna sound dumb...but you normally dont roll till 5 in the morning? or when do you take yours? cuz most of the time im trippin till the early morning (no matter what kind it is)

  12. I wish I had dropped out earlier. I now have one year left and this would be a big failure for me. I've tried switching for design but the guy decided to enter me for the second turn (while we were still in the first one) and there were no place left. I asked around what I could do - nothing. I don't want to waste my parents' money (by dropping out). They're kind enough to keep me at their home and pay the majority of my studies. Dropping out would be like spitting in their own face.

    On the other side, I'm one of the few students who has found an internship.

    The fact that my grand parents aren't ageing very well stresses me a lot and it affects my father (who's getting "old" too.). Ageing badly scares me.

    well...heres the problem...you feel 'obligated' to do this for your parents...it seems like they care for you. By continuing what you are doing you're wasting your parents money...and even more. Your own time and happiness and etc...

    If you talk to them im sure theyll understand...unless you really have no idea what the hell you're doing at all.

    A big failure? You don't even know what a big failure is....like I said...it could make your life a bitch and make you really work hard and think about shit but itll be for the best.

    I mean shit, I go to a community college right now...and I used to talk shit and say I'd never let myself go to such a shitty place, but its actually not that bad as I can just go there, learn my shit, chill with the few cool ppl I met, not to mention most of our staff is overqualified and were able to get me connections I needed to galleries and known people....

    Anyhow your situation will only get better if you want it to...right now it seems like your deadset that its gonna suck no matter what you do and that there is no good option....good luck with that !

  13. I recently turned 20. I realized that I'm old and that I haven't done shit while I was young. I still don't know what I'm doing and why I'm still at that college studying stuff that I don't care about. I dislike the majority of the people in my program and the teachers. What the fuck am I going to do with a fashion marketing degree? prolly nothing and will end up studying something else, somewhere else, if I ever get paid for working. I feel fucking old and I'll prolly kill myself on my 22th bday.

    Lol...obviously your still young and dumb. Change your major? Go figure out what the fuck you wanna do and dont complain about it....ya it could be a bitch and it could make you work a lot harder....but its way more worth it.

    I dropped out of Cal Poly SLO...I got in super easy and was a comp sci major. Then I realized it fucking sucked and I hate engineers and everything they stand for. (I WAS ONLY 18!!!111one) Did I go online and whine about it? No...I just went home, got a fulltime job, figured out what the fuck I wanted to do and started making moves to get that shit done.

    You don't know what it means to feel old yet...you prolly dont have shit to worry about to say the least...

    I dont mean to sound liek a dick, but come on, this is how life is, deal with it and make the most out of it.

  14. mmm just got my cartons of Marlboro Blacks and Lucky Strike Menthols in the mail...anyone in the 408 who wants to swap, lmk what you have!

    Is there anyway I can just buy a pack or 2 of each from you? I'm willing to pay like 7-8bucks per pack haha

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