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Posts posted by khoiphan92

  1. wow i should not have waited till today to study. Our final exam is fricken 13 chapters long. We have weekly tests and almost daily quizzes and he expects us to do this now!? Too bad i have photographic memory. poaaanggggg

  2. thanks for the replies enjoy!

    this is what worries me the most. i rigged a "drying device" where i hung the jeans in a doorway. then i placed a space heater under it and turned it on full blast to dry. would this technique get as much shrinkage as a dryer? or does the tumbling help?

    tumble creases arent too bad... instead of that rigging device, my dryer came with a detachable rack for stuff you dont want rolling around. i have lost it since but im sure theres one for your washer as well. i would just throw mine in the dryer as well but my aunt would fucking kill (and i mean kill) me for making her new dryer blue

  3. WOOLITE® For All Darks Detergent

    WOOLITE® For All Darks Detergent

    Don't let the excitement of your dark jeans or top fade over time. WOOLITE® For All Darks Detergent is specially formulated to help maintain the life of your dark and black clothes. The Dark Care formula won't cause fading, so it's perfect for washing your black t-shirts or your slimming dark colored pants. Go ahead, wash your darkest clothes right in the machine with confidence.

    well the only way i would see it keep clothes and pants dark, would be to darken it somehow..

  4. woolite does not make jeans darker in color, if you can obtain indigo then you can re-dye your jeans, maybe?

    why wouldn't it make it darker? the white faded parts would definately be a bit darker.

  5. Sup guys, haven't posted here for a couple of months but heres how my dogs been. He grows crazy fricken fast. He looks like a big dog now but hes still a puppy. He got neutered 2 weeks ago at first he was a bit crazy and i thought he got rabies but now hes fine. He knows how to sit, shake hands, and play fetch. And also jump on my little cousin and make her fall down.


    picture taken with my point and shoot

    Here's how he little was when i first posted about 3 months ago 2844074587_c3f4c8d69c.jpg

    You can check out more pictures here of when he was littler


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