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Posts posted by LeatherSeatBelt

  1. I've never known a mixed child whose father was Japanese.

    all the mixed Japanese/Chinese dad's be Chinese

    and immigrants too, not some Americanized w/e

    on the azns looking down on azns thing

    it's about how cocky you are about your race

    korean->japanese->taiwanese->hong kong->mainlander->viet->cambodian

    in terms of pride and cockyness, not ranking on who is better or someish

    koreans be looking down on everyone :/

    yea i koreans are too harsh on other races. if its not korean its not good. i remember i said fuck koreans jokingly in school and literally all the koreans in my grade came up in a group and talked to me. my other friend also did the same thing. except he got decked in the face. his fucking girlfriend was korean -_-'.

  2. what's up with taiwan bitches?

    even mainlanders seem to speak better engrish than them.

    tried to holler at them, but they weren't havin it. offered to buy them drinks and they declined. told them i'd buy them rice cakes or mooncakes and they declined. asked them if they wanted to get some noodles after the club closed, they didn't want that.

    caught a cab home and the driver was chinee from hk. asked him how to get taiwan girls. he said the best way would be to ask them to the movies. "taiwan girl veri difficolt 2 dating..."

    is this true?

    cause theyre all stuck up bitches. TRUTH. taiwanse btw

  3. this is fuckkkkkked up...get one of your cousins or something that she doesn't recognize anymore and rent a Vietnamese baby to make her happy before she slips away...(4)

    my fam would prob be down with any children that are mixed Asian, but they would strongly prefer Taiwanese. My sister is dating a Korean, and they don't know yet. Me and brother are placing bets on shit hitting the fan when they find out. Actually, that might actually just be my mom. My dad didn't care about Latino ex...

    YOUR DAD DID NOT CARE ABOUT LATINO EX. FUCCCK. was he proper or thugged out

  4. Heres my 55s. The denim is much different than my 33s. My 55s are from fall 06 and are really nice. Great denim. The 33s have 10 oz raw denim (the correct weight) about 12 oz now but I wouldn't call them flimsy. They're tough as nails, just not as heavy. My 55s were 12 oz raw 14.5 or so now.

    They look a ton better now.


    im confused. denim weight can go up with a wash??

  5. @panda - seriously. Most of the asian guys I see eating pho in chinatown inhale that shit in like under 5 minutes.

    its cause everyone else are nubs at chopsticks

  6. Never talk about politics, religion, environmentalism, giving back to society, etc with women. Because if you are on the wrong side of the argument it could backfire and kill the attraction...

    Actually I never understood why some men want women that can discuss politics, religion with.

    If they want to stimulate their mind, that's what the library is for.

    djrajio what do i talk with women about. i have no clue what to say really. whats something that will leech them in.

  7. more pics of those who tapered their 005, 007, 010s?

    looking to taper mine and wanna see how these turned out for people.

    i want to taper mine too but im just too lazy. for some reason i get so pissed off wearing my 007s. i really dont like the denim feel at all.

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