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Posts posted by chronoaug

  1. I honestly think Lim stuff is a bit underrated. It's not as trendy high fashion, but for the preppyish stuff they have some nice pieces and i've liked them in person when i've handled em'. Been debating whether or not to pull the trigger on these cropped grey pants. I love the way their rolled hems look

  2. I PMd him and he told me that he works at the Lim store and can offer 35% off. See, i'm way too lazy to look at the lookbook and guess prices and sizing and crap. Plus, Phillip Lim stuff always makes further than 35% off at most online and brick&mortar stores

    Jmatsu- Are you looking for a specific piece? I've seen some Lim stuff on good sale. I can link you if you want. Just PM if you care but i didn't know you cared much for lim

  3. Also, part of it's on you. If you're acting like a bitch and waiting for your wingman/wingwoman to do the work for you, you're not doing it right. If you're with a wingwoman and you're making sure it's known that you're interested in the other girl and that your wingwoman is purely friend or whatever (by your tone, body language and choice of words) then it wouldn't be that bad. Especially, if she wants to get you laid.

    Although, that's what a lot of people are questioning. It'd take a special wingwoman to actually be consciously thinking about helping you get your noodle wet. Most girls aren't good at this but i guess if you had a really good friend who was good at this shit it'd work. Still, you gotta take action in your own hands.

  4. yea, i agree. I think most people use beat to describe something that's just worn in. Kind of with nicely worn in high top white leather shoes or how sphoxx's RO trainers looked (the ones that he sold or something). Mine are just kinda worn in because they're my errand shoes in addition to wearing in a few casual looks.

    sistersuzie- You're right. In some situations, i actually prefer it that way naughtyma3.gif

  5. Jmatsu- For a serious response since i'm bored. I think i'm also in the beat sperry camp. I only have a navy pair and wear them strictly casually with shorts or rolled chinos. I don't like the look of brand new ones i've seen at the sore and prefer the more worn in looking leather, slightly dirty midsoles, and lived in look to em'. I've seen really worn in brownish ones that look nice as well (quoddys too). I've worn them in a fair amount of fits i've posted. Not that any of the fits were world beating but i don't think fresh out the box ones would look better.

    On hblack though? I dunno, might look better a bit fresher. Then again, i try not to think about his fits much.

    I'm well aware that was too much text for something so unimportant. Feel free to skip this


  6. Went to a small party with a female friend of mine and i drove. I knew she had been hemming and hawing about hooking up with this one guy for a few weeks, so i talked our way (me, the girl, and her friend) back to his place to chill after the party. After the my friend went to the bathroom, i grabbed the other girl, and told her we were leaving and i ditched her there.

    She texted me kinda upset i ditched her, but at like 4am i gotta text from her that said "Score!!". Mission accomplished

  7. We're going to need patches for sufu scavenger hunt type stuff. We need a patch for posting over 30 waywts. A patch for getting a picture in Best Waywt, a patch for getting in worst, for having met up with a sufuer from another state, etc...

  8. I heard there was some fashion show thing for local designers tonight at a club like an hour away from me. It seemed legit (sponsored by Scion). I decided to go and was initially going to go with somebody else but then ended up going by myself. Now this club is usually pretty good; last time I was there for a show it was packed. I get there and the event is supposed to start and there are people who work there out side trying to get passers by to come in (it's free). I'm like shit it must be a bust. I walk in and there are not very many people but quite a few hot girls. Everybody seemed to be in little groups crowded together around a few tables. Needless to say everybody seemed to already know each other...I really hate events like this. Got my picture taken a few times and bounced early. At least I ate some pretty good food :)

    I love shitty local designer showcase things. Normally free food, sometimes free drinks, some good looking girls who are glamour magazine wannabe fashionistas, but fun if you're looking for a mellow night. I got these awesome curried grilled chicken bites and some tabouli at the last thing i went to at some boutique. Definitely worth it. I ate so much

  9. Just found out that my chinese aunt who rode my ass for 20+ years about needing to study harder and is snooty as fuck about your grades/college has literally no idea who George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Abraham Lincoln are. I was taking her to see the memorials and she was questioning whether I was wasting her time because she had no idea who these ppl were.

    I've known her all my life but mostly avoided because she's retardedly conservative but showing her around America has blown my mind on how small her worldview is. Took her to see Lion King and afterwards she was like "now I understand that a Broadway play is this thing with all these puppets and singing in African." I had to explain that this is just ONE show and that it is not representative. I don't think she understood that concept. Also she argued with me on whether Baltimore was a real city or not because she had "never heard of this city before" and therefore wanted to make sure that I was not driving to a place that I made up in my fucking imagination.

    This is a woman who is in her late 60s, has access to TV/ magazines/internet, and has lived in China's biggest city her whole life. Yet talking to her sometimes is like talking to a time traveler from the distant and shit. I'm still in shock.


  10. prof- Stove is the best way to go. Could even put a bit of alcohol on the end of a piece of paper, and then put it against a hot stove to make the flame easier. Again, probably not the safest thing but when you need a smoke you need a smoke

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