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Posts posted by zerofuture

  1. My something in my espresso machine shorted and now it doesn't heat the water at all. Oh, sure, I can opt for the french press. And, yes, there are at least a half-dozen coffee shops within a 5 block radius of my apartment. But, seriously, fuck this.

  2. 3592960452_90656305a7_m.jpg

    Here's my advice:

    a) Find a hustle that pays the bills and work hard at it. Don't let idealism obscure the fact that you've gotta work hard and that you've gotta pay the bills.

    B) Find something that you're passionate about and pursue it. Keep chasing it even without the expectation that it'll pay dividends anytime soon.

    c) Do what you can to make your passion into your hustle. Be it by networking, working for free, or sucking a mean dick. Have a goal, make a plan, and go get that bitch.

    d) Never trust anyone whose advice includes even the faintest suggestion of top tiered schools.

  3. Having landed a contract doing development management with an $80M property portfolio, I'm back to the hustle. I chose this position over other more financially lucrative offers due to the nature of their projects: namely, architecturally interesting urban infill development. As a bonus, one of the special projects that I get to manage is a craft brewery; who doesn't like free beer?

  4. Thanks to the Instapaper app and sites like The Browser, ALDaily, Longreads, Longform, etc, I've been consuming a lot of articles / essays / reviews. Like anything, some of these come off as uninspired fluff and some are worth sharing. I figured that, since there wasn't, to my knowledge, a thread in which to share these, I'd make one.

    This is it, a place for writing -- articles, opinions, essays, reviews, etc -- that fit in between the short tumblr post and typical 'what are you reading today' fair.

    I hope this isn't a duplicate of other threads.

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