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Posts posted by Darkadious

  1. i should probably bring sun screen next time i'm at willow springs

    fucking desert

    and what the fuck are these new fullscreen ads?

    i was only

    gone for maybe a month

    edit - holy shit rep bars just scared me

  2. it was around 2 am and we had barley arrived at a friends house out of town to sleep over. my friend had said he was going to teach me how to drive stick earlier in the day, so we wound up doing it as dead as we were

    i stalled the car at a stop sign for about 15 seconds about two blocks away from where we started. i had it running again and made a right. there was a car coming up behind me, so i pulled over to let it pass me. it started slowing down and steering towards my direction. i then realized it was a police car; which wasn't a good thing. i don't have my license yet.

    they searched all of us, put is in back of the car, and then searched the car. the passenger officer or whatever seemed like a cool guy, but the driver was a complete dick. gave me a ticket for the obvious and told me "i'm not going to get you for running that stop sign, exhaust (and other things on the car that i had nothing to do with). i have to show up to a court house an hour and a half away from where i live in two months.


  3. today/night i was suppose to get stoned with my friend

    i wound up not feeling shit and it was a dissapointment.

    though the day was alright, after it was over i felt like it was shit.

    i was invited to a party tonight, but the mood dragged over and i don't even feel like going anymore; even though it would probably make up for it.

  4. also, when you're walking on a sidewalk and people look you in the eye and step into your path and walk at you, forcing you to move. the worst form of this is when theye do the "i'm going this way" move, but really go the other way, then you have to do that dance with them to finally get around them.
    haha, my friend was telling me a while ago that when something like this happens he continues going one way no matter what and stares the hell out of them with a "you fucking dumbass" look on his face.
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