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Posts posted by airportlobbytx

  1. If the quality of selvage is so important to people - would we buy it when it's invisible? I.e., If APC NS did not have the selvage edge, would these jeans be the jeans of every Superfuture conformist? Of course not. The primary pleasure of selvage is that it looks fucking cool. No one talks about Cures being selvage denim, although they are (invisibly so). And looking fucking cool is not objectively better. It is a subjective value, just as some idiots think True Religions look beautiful.

    I would say APCs are actually lower quality than most of the mall jeans I used to wear. They're made in Macau. The seams come apart. They stretch outrageously - all problems that PDCs or Diesels avoid. Yet the cut is nice and the denim looks good, so I prefer them. I'm not going to try to justify it with this "quality" myth, however.

  2. The Long Goodbye is a favorite of mine, too (California Split is also great, but not a Noir - Gould and Altman).

    Some of my favorites -

    Noirs: Night of the Hunter, Kiss of Death (original with Richard Widmark), In a Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray and Bogart, semi-noir), Pickup on South Street (another Widmark noir), Man with the Golden Arm (Sinatra), White Heat, Out of the Past, Double Indemnity - man too many . I really love Hitchcock's Stranger's on a Train.

    Neo-Noirs - can't think of too many off the top of my head. Maybe Hard Times? That's a great noirish movie with Charles Bronson. I like Miami Blues, sort of 80s noir.

    Foreign noirs - the French are the masters. Clouzot and Melville. Wages of Fear and Diabolique are awesome. Bob the Gambler and Le Samorai - great. Rififi is great. Etc.

  3. I'm pretty sure that the gold tongue is a rare ticket to tour the Adidas factory with the secretive and eccentric owner of Adidas as he puts you through a series of odd tests and eventually chooses a replacement to take over his Adidas empire. Not one hundred percent sure, however.

  4. I've always been agin' the band shirt - why advertise that you are cool or in the know? I guess I'm suspicious of pop music anyway, and think it's a fairly silly way to divide the cool from the uncool (I am addicted to pop music, I just don't find it as worthy of high praise as fiction or art, but whatever, I digress).

    But then I was at a show a few years ago and got this one - it's so silly!


  5. Any love for Tretorn? I've been wanting some of the Gullwing Tournies for a while, but iI can't see spending 80 on them when I can get four pairs of chucks for the same price (the Converse outlet store by my house is rad).

    I like white chucks and JPs bright white - as soon as they show any dirt, I wanna chuck em. Black, for some reason is the opposite - they look best dirty.

  6. Some nice Crate Sally jeans and a good pair of black oxfords. Not sure what the original size on these (hence the fudging on the thread title) was, but they fit super slim. Too slim in the legs for me, now, unfortunately.

    They measure 17 inches across the back of the waist (flat), about 8.25 inches across the leg at the knee, and about 8 inches at the opening. Inseam is 36 inches long.

    They're in nice shape. Never washed. No honey combs or whiskering, but there are straight faded lines across the hems where the jeans were cuffed (four inches up from the bottom hem (you can see it in the photo)

    I'd like 50$ shipped in North America. PayPal only - [email protected]. PM me any questions or shoot me an email at my paypal acct. email.





    I also have these black leather shoes from Barneys Coop for sale. Size 10. Tried on, never worn. Measure 12.25 inches from tip to tip and about 4.5 inches across the widest point. Nice basic shoes. Made in Italy. Sort of a waxy look to the leather. I'd like $45, shipped. SHOES ARE SOLD.




  7. Here are a couple of Big E jackets I have - 522 and 526.




    It's interesting how different the coloring in the two is - the one in the first two photos has honeycombs on the arms and has a sort of brownish tint. I should probably get rid of the first one - no reason to horde these things. (Here in Texas, we call the double barrel denim a Canadian tuxedo.)

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