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Double D

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Posts posted by Double D

  1. They just don't really seem to bleed at all, despite being one of my most regularly worn pairs. Main thing that seems to happen is the dye has formed dark pools in the troughs, but the peaks of the creases are barely charcoal let alone white.

  2. Hijacking this thread for a moment...

    How do I fix the colour profiles on my photos from my Canon so that they don't look like shit in Firefox? If I view them in Safari the colour profile appears correctly, but in Firefox it refuses to acknowledge it's existence and all my pics come out all washed out and shit.

  3. Don't really know why I typed this out, but...

    Comes from wearing jeans cut to be worn round the waist (ie 501s and all 501 repros) round your hips in the modern manner, meaning the bit that should scoot round your hips is going round your thighs.

    If you look at modern European cuts like Dior and Nudie you'll notice the absence of that flare because they're cut to be worn low.

  4. it was irony bro

    btw is this a brit thing? there's this limey intern lass at work who has repeatedly thrown my game and i wonder if it's b/c my sense of humor is just lost on her

    am i perfectly willing to admit im not as lol as i think i am, except i have never failed this dramatically


    Usually it's the other way around, or so the cliche goes.

    Protip: Irony doesn't come over very well on the internet.

  5. But...but...he was dressed by Internets. He has cool shoes? Aren't we supposed to circle jerk around him now or something?

    Tracking back 2 weeks to mention that fashion house sneakers are neither big nor clever, even if they're a deliberately oversized postmodern statement about 1980s revivalism.

  6. I hear you about the "fun, violent, primal" thing...but I think we're just going to continue in this mode of agreeing to disagree when it comes to hardcore that doesn't structurally stick to tradition (i.e. hardcore with metal, noise, math/jazz, etc. elements thrown in the mix).

    I think it should probably be noted that the first wave hardcore bands such as Bad Brains and Black Flag did all that and more... it wasn't until the second wave that the 'traditional sound' really got defined, and that's what people are usually referring to.

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