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Posts posted by mrip

  1. I got a this futura 2000 framed poster I kopped from this old site called Houston we have a problem around 13 years ago. He signed it and hand drew a pointman on it.

    It's sitting in storage. Should I even bother trying to yahoo auction or eBay it? Any other suggestions? Or is futura shit just unsellable these days??

    give it to me kuya

  2. You keep running your mouth and I'm 100% sure you wouldn't back these words up face to face. See, you're confused- you may criticize stuff someone buys / likes, that's 100% fine, but the way you do it and the extra insults to spice things up are typical 'internet talk'. I act here as I'd act in reality because there is no "online version" of me. I guess you'll grow up at some point and it'll change. For now, I couldn't care less what insults you'll use here, it's all 'internet talk' / kid's stuff, which you wouldn't have balls to tell me face to face. And yeah I'm 100% sure you wouldn't.


    As for the pants, you're a pretentious prick so I'd say these suit you very nicely.

    edit: and the explanation- the fit is totally whack (the rise, the length of the legs and the way they are tapered, wtf..), the zippers are idiotic and unneccessary, the main 'pretentious' factor in these (what are they for, what's their application?), so are the belts surrounding the legs (again, wtf?), this just looks silly. Oh and yes, they are not a thing a man would wear and I'm pretty much ok/open to any style as long as it looks good, including goth ninja stuff. Women wouldn't look good in these either, that's an abomination of trousers and amateur parachute clubs around the world sort of thing.

    And if you'd like to argue that the fit is ok or that they look ok, post a fit pic and show how you make these work.

    its called fashion.

    look it up.

  3.  Also we want to try craft beer,

    no real point to trying japanese craft beer because american craft beer blows it out of the water. me and herpsky went to craftheads in shibuya which had a decent amount of j-craft on tap but it was just average, they also had a decent selection of american craft. the best japanese craft i had on tap was hitachinoko nest (which is widely available in america) at great burger. the ebisu beer museum was chill, but i would just skip beer in japan and get sake or oolong-hai or chu-hai

  4. not so much socked, of course its nothing compared to other things and its not my business. Not like im demanding to know were he works or how much people make, all i did was ask what u guys do to get it, merely because im choosing a career (only 18) and i wonder if ill be able to afford this stuff later on, thats the real reason, just curiosity. U guys act like its top secret shit, but fuck it nevermind

    ur life sux

  5. i wish this season of eastbound ended with sundays ep because i know kenny is gonna fuck it up somehow



    it wasn't the greatest, but i found some of it funny.  what didn't u like?

    i dont really like british comedies about dudes terrible lives, but i like peep show

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