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Posts posted by beast

  1. aw man, i used to be the biggest fucking nerd(comics, magic the gathering,etc) and so all my money went on comics, but i stopped suddenly and sold off a lot...i want to get into comics again, but i'm really lost because there are so many out there and i haven't even touched a comic book in 5 years...

    i mainly used to read gen13, witchblade, fathom, etc...anyone recommend me something good? i'm lookin for something a bit darker and it'd be nice if the series has ended or just started.

    I had the same problem.

    Picked up 10 years after dropping totally. Stopped and picked up another 3 years later.

    Start with TPB and go from there. Many of the stuff listed in the first post are good stuff to sink your teeth in.

  2. to clear this up, we weren't smoking hash in singapore. we were in aus - where the closer you are to the coast the more weight hash carries as a legitimate form of currency. i traded hash for lavinz man.

    and thanks beast, are there also any negative connotations associated with binge drinking and smoking in genereal? I missed the last 20 years of media outcries. much help needed for my prozperouz future.

    Since this is a thread about Singapore, I would naturally assume all 3 parties are in Singapore. BTW you would be glad to know if you take drugs overseas, you can still be charged and imprisoned in Singapore. It happened to 2 Singaporean students who took drugs in coincidentally Australia.


    Well, that's a downer.

    Newest pick ups:

    Spiderman: Reign

    Spiderwoman: Origins (Bendis) ($5 for a hardback...I couldn't resist!)

    Spiderman and Black Cat (Smith)

    The Spirit (Cooke)

    The only one I got through so far was Spiderman: Reign. This was a really good book, even though it was pretty much "Dark Knight Returns" with Spiderman.

    Anyone get to read the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier yet? The first LEG installment was excellent.

    Smith's Spidey/Cat chick was bad. In fact so is most of his other stuff except for Green Arrow: Quiver. Spiderwoman wasnt one of Bendis' inspired writing.

  4. whilst the sg chicks are 'sophisticated' (probably due to their 24/7 study regimes and government educational grants), too many of them are dull, brainwashed, and uptight about shit.

    I was with my mate smoking some pot, his sg gf called and interrogated to what he was up to. he actually told her (dumbass) wtf we were doing and she threatened to break up with him on the spot. being a good friend, i grabbed his phone and told her to fuck off back to her books. fast fwd to now, they're still together getting his balls whipped. and i feel like kicking his ass everytime i see'em together.


    Possession and smoking pot is a one way ticket to Drug Rehab and even jail.

    Something your friend cannot afford to have on his record if he intends to stay and work in Singapore. Unless he wants to be self employed.

    So his girlfriend is right to freak out on that account.

    Also, smoking pot long terms makes one weak mentally and physically so she is also right to freak out on that account.

    Anyway is she hot? If so, getting whipped while banging her regularly makes him a smart guy.

  5. i feel your pain. it would be a great morning if manc cunts dropped 3 points. as painful as it is for me to say it, utd always equalize or score a winner at the end. they look like champions.

    on the other hand spurs played very well today and i have to say ramos is getting a grip on the league and you should see a steady progress from now on.

    defoe also had 3 great chances to finish chelsea off. he looked pretty good today.

    At least Ramos implemented his tactics superbly against Man U compared to their loss at FA Cup. With players more experienced playing with one another, they may find win some silverware. Meanwhile Carling Cup beckons and it will be interesting to see how Ramos match wits against Grant. I bet Ramos will come up tops.

  6. fuckin complete morons, i cant believe how angry i am at spurs

    since i've been supporting spurs they always let in stupid fuckin goals against the big teams right at the death, how can you defend like that the whole match then let in such a stupid goal


    Thats the story of Spurs. Despite brand new central defenders, they still concede last minute goals.

  7. CityHunter - I haven't read Fight For Tomorrow, or Pounded, or Couscous Express or a ton of his other work, to be honest. My main exposore to Brian Wood is through DMZ, Local, and Supermarket. He has a new project coming out that's basically aimed at 10-year-old girls called New York Four that he insisted was actually good and worth reading even if you're, you know, a 20-year-old dude. I'll have to check out Fight For Tomorrow though.

    Edit: Beast-

    Morrison's Magneto/Xorn stuff was fine, it was Claremont who fucked it up afterwards with numerous confusing retcons. I fucking hate comics sometimes.

    Also, Parker's TV revelation WAS erased. He also is back to mechanical web shooters. And Harry Osborne is alive. And he's a photographer. It's fucked up.

    Stracynzki had a hand in it, but got so pissed off at the direction Quesada took that he almost wouldn't let them put his name on the thing. Quesada eventually convinced him otherwise, but I'm sure he was still none too pleased at the outcome.

    In other news, Quesada spoiled tomorrow's Captain America on the Colbert Report, although I think everyone was sort of expecting it.


    Xorn have super healing prowess. Mags despite the world beater he is and can make God shit bricks, dont have that.

    Claremont is interesting. During his run with Romita Jr, I love his stuff down to Marvel Mutant Massacre. After that, it degenerated into some shit. Just compare Xtreme Xmen with Astonishing or New.

    Oh my on spidey. That is soo lame. It just makes fools of fans who bought the issues where Spidey got married or reveal his id wanting to give to their grandkids.

    What about the spider totem think and the Wolvie spikes Stryzinski made for him?

    I assume they resurrected Green Goblin from the grave due to Spidey I the Movie.

  8. HaHa sorry guys...I didn't even bother looking for the previous comic thread.


    I am loving all that Supreme Power ish. It is such an interesting (and violent!) take on JLA. Unfortunately I have only been able to read the 1st Nighthawk TPB and the 1st Supreme Power TPB. I jumped ahead and got confused...why is Hyperion a bad guy? Did he find out he was just a tool of the govt and go crazy or something? I need to read more.

    And Miller's 'Born Again' run on Daredevil is one of my favorite arcs of all time. Matt Murdock seemed so vulnerable, so human. Such a great character...fuck the movie.

    I hear Bendis' Powers is great. For some reason, Powers makes me think of Ellis' (I think) The Authority. Is that title any good? I hear it is basically the Ultimates.

    Is it just me or is Morrison's writing paired perfectly with Quitely's art? I read Morrison's 'Filth' and it just didn't seem right without Quitely. And Morrison's run on New X-Men was...interesting. I definitely thought it was well done...but I felt he was throwing in too many twists and new characters and it confused me. I'm still confused about that whole Cassandra Nova/Ernst thing. Is his run on JLA worth picking up?


    DMZ is freakin' cool...Brain Wood rocks that shit. Have you read his "Fight for Tomorrow"? Unfortunately, I didn't like it. Hey, hit or miss, you know?

    OK guys, I am kind of behind. Has Ultimates 3 #2 come out yet? #1 was super disappointing. I honestly dislike Jeph Loeb, minus Long Halloween, Hush and to a lesser extent, Dark Victory. I am not even too much of a fan of Joe Mad's art...no doubt he is an amazing artist, but I'm feeling it this time around. Maybe I'm just bitter Millar didn't return =(

    I forgot to mention "Kingdom Come". Such a great book. "Justice"....not so much :o

    And 'One More Day' is a cheap deus ex machina to breathe new (but not needed) life into Peter Parker. Stupid Parker, Aunt May needs to die. Seriously.

    1. If you read the Nighthawk TPB, I think you would have read what I was talking about.

    Milton became a recluse but the Government was afraid of his immense power and sent Prism after him.

    2. Powers is different from Authority. Authority is more JLA but with attitude. They see something wrong with the world, they go in and make things right including interfering with the government.

    3. New X-Men is excellent. Many of his new ideas are great except the Magneto is Xorn crap which ended up he isnt Xorn.

    4. Lastly the spidey thing is soo bad. Wiping off MJ's marriage to him is soo lame. And basically makes a fool of fans who have been following that for years. What's next? Steve Rogers revived? Parker's revelation of his id on TV erased? So lame. I wonder does Stryzinski have a hand in this?

  9. pompey have a pretty dangerous front line now; benjani, baros, utaka, kanu is pretty sick.

    poor nugent though, he had potential. should've chosen sunderland over pompey.

    We'll see how great is their front line against the stingiest back 2, Rio and Vidic in Old Trafford tonight.

    We'll see how many goals they can score compared to Rooney, Tevez and soon to be 30 goals hero Ronaldo.

  10. Forgot to mention this.

    You should get a comic in Stryzinski's reinvention of Squadron Supreme - "Supreme Power". Squadron Supreme is Marvel's retelling of JLA with their own version of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman etc etc.

    His initial arc is great. There were titles released under Supreme Power as well.

    The one you must read is Supreme Power: NIghthawk by Daniel Way and Steve Dillion.

    Its a retelling of Batman and his first meeting with Joker.

    Batman is now a bald black billionaire who kills criminals ala Punisher.

    Joker is now a true psychopath who experiments in making his poisons and sells/distributes them so that it can kill off people.

    There was a scene where the Joker was transfixed with the TV show showing people dying from his poison. He was watching it in the nude except with his clown makeup on. He then peed on the floor while watching it and sat in his own urine and continued watching.

    Hard core stuff than Nolan should read to seek inspiration for Dark Knight.

    BTW the book is so hard core, my local library decided to pull it off the shelves.

  11. I remember really getting into comics around 1992, a little before Image first came on the scene and Valiant was huge. Thinking back, I didn't appreciate the writing as much as the art. For instance, I loved the artwork of Jim Lee during his run of of X-Men/ Wild C.A.T.S., as did everyone else in my Junior High Class. Revisiting the comics of that age, the storylines and writing was pretty wack in my opinion.

    Flash forward and I'm back into comics. When people find out that I read comics, they immediately throw the nerd card at me and assume comics are still the"funny pages" that are meant strictly for children and pre-pubescent fanboys (which isn't entirely false). What most of the lay-population doesn't realize is that within the last couple of years comics have really matured to a level where they don't have to rely on scatily-clad heroines and chromium/holographic covers to sell. Great writers are producing fantastic and engaging storylines that deal with so much more that the run-of-the-mill "superhero fights supervillan and saves the city" plots.

    That being said here are a couple comics/graphic novels I high recommend. The list is mostly mainstream comics...I'm not going to front, I like independent stuff as well, but I'm always a fan of superheroes :D

    100 Bullets by Brian Azzarello

    Fables by Bill Willingham

    Y the Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn

    Daredevil - story arcs by Brian Michael Bendis and Ed Brubaker

    Astonishing X-Men by Joss Whedon

    The Ultimates by Mark Millar

    Runaways by Brian K. Vaughn

    The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller

    Batman: The Long Halloween by Jeph Loeb

    All Star Superman by Grant Morrison

    We3 by Grant Morrison

    Iron Fist (current story arc) by Ed Brubaker

    Preacher by Garth Ennis

    Punisher Max by Garth Ennis

    Sandman by Neil Gaiman

    New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke

    Scott Pilgrim by Brian Lee O'Mally

    All I can think of at the moment...any SuFu comic book geeks in hurrrr???? Anyone have any good titles to recommend? I'm always up for a good read!


    1. There are many threads on comics already.

    2. Good writing has always been there. They first came into prominence due to Alan Moore's and Frank Miller's work.

    3. As for receommendations, I actually read many of the titles in your list.

    You can try Alan Moore's Swamp Thing series which ran a couple of years. Those still stand the test of time.

    If you like Bendis'/Maleev's Daredevil, you must try Miller's Daredevil Born Again where Kingpin discovered DD"s identity. Miller's earlier DD run was a bit 70s to me with all the Ninja and eastern mysticism.

    While on Bendis, try his Powers.

    His New Avengers doesnt seem like Earth's Mightiest Heroes bt Bendis' Favourite Heroes. Cage, Spidey, Spidey chick, Iron Fist being Earth's mightiest heroes?

    If you like Morrison, try his New X-Men with Quitely. Great stuff better than his JLA.

    BTW I like WE3 too. Took me 30 min to read & brought a tear to my eye.

    Warren Ellis' Ultimate Fantastic Four, Ultimate Galactus, Desolation Jones, Planetary where they tied in with Batman is classic and worth reading again and again.

    Brad Meltzer's Identity Crisis.

    Really too many good stuff to try.

  12. so what if she doesn't know your jeans are from dior homme? not everyone is a know-it-all shopping guru like you, beast. we understand your massive knowledge on every single luxury label around, and seek your forgiveness for not keeping up to date and schooling ourself on the brands out there. we fail.

    My point is not that she does not recognise what I am wearing.

    In future, please keep your comments to yourself and dont reply to me. That post was not to you anyway. I on my part will reciprocate and will not comment on what you post nor reply to you. If you want to be sarcastic and post crap to others, please bear in mind, 2 can play that game. Thanks.

  13. the koreans know it better than to whore themselves out. They'd just buy the fake version for whichever is oh-so-popular at the moment. That way they can be trendy and up-to-date with the current fashion.

    Then we are talking about different things.

    We are talking about people who are mad about branded stuff.

    The same people who would eat instant noodles for months to buy the new Gucci bag or who will live in a small dirty flat which are jam packed with branded stuff.

    Buying a cheap fake is different.

  14. Cause Koreans are the best!

    Just look at our electronic and vehicle tech, its on par if not greater than the Japanese already. Even the japanese girls are going bananas over korean idols.

    Dude, I am asking how the Koreans are more fanatical about branded stuff than other Asians. In Japan, teenage girls become hookers ie in compensated dating to buy branded stuff. Do the Koreans?

  15. I think China would be the biggest market for LV. Its just crazy on how people there buys LV and other branded stuffs.

    China is the biggest market for everything.

    If Hermes touch down there, the Chinese are not buying due to its hand made tradition and centuries pedigree.

    They just buy because its branded and branded and branded and oh yes, imported too.

    Ditto for other brands. Armani is flying off the shelves in China.

    Compared to how Armani first took off in America only when GIorgio dressed up the Hollywood stars. Which China star dons Armani? Yao Ming?

    In fact I spoke with one Chinese on this. She was telliing me how her jeans are branded. For the life of me, I have not heard of the brand before. But she proudly told me it is branded and famous in China and she spent close to US$100 for it. Not a small amount by China standards. I wont spend what a common worker can earn in China in a month on jeans that is only famous in China.

    On another note, I was actually wearing my DH New Emperor Penguin jeans when I met her and she didnt even know squat on that.

    And it had the oil wash and blue-black washed look. Actually its just dark dark blue jeans. See how marketting something called blue-black wash can sell it more than plain old dark blue?

  16. koreans does it better.

    How does Korean does it better?

    The Japanese are like the biggest nation of buyers of LV worldwide. WORLDWIDE.

    Hong Kong have I think more Gucci and Prada stores in their small island than other countries. They have so many malls selling these stuff.

    China buys branded stuff like its the last pieces of gold on earth.

    So how does the Korean does it better I know the Koreans love to do plastic surgery though, more than other countries.

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