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Posts posted by Cameland

  1. well "386" offered more money in the end, i wont say how much but it was ALOT haha. and hes local, like 25 mins from jeff. i feel somewhat screwed but i for some reason am quite calm about it, guess this is how horrible felt.

  2. i think im more like third in line or something horrible>wildwhiskey>me, but it just so happens that i got more for my wallet than i thought so i can offer a bit more without having to really think i paid that much for these, either way i think id be happy to watch or participate.

    oh and i too would like to see wild whiskey wear contest in this.

  3. i will happily take them!!, im bummed i miss out on the dead line, and i only have one pair of raw denim in the works atm so im quite happy to take on this pair for a year. not sure about teh size but ill give them a go anyways.

    EDIT: size 29 is PERFECT! please pass them onto me id be forever in your debt!

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