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Posts posted by driftingdunk

  1. my cell fits in my coinpocket?

    looks like a zippo fade.

    so i guess it works out.

    same here, well my old phone did


    Now i have an 8125, and there is no way that thing will fit in my front pocket.. and if i do get it in there... everytime i get a text or call, i have to fish it out with two fingers.

    I keep my wallet in my back right pocket, house keys in my back left pocket, spare change gets tossed into a back pocket, paper money goes up front...

    Gonna have to straight up disagree with you right there. I carry a cell phone, space pen, eye glass cloth, and chapstick in my pocket and there is an optimal spot where they always end up no matter how much I shift them around. I think others can attest to this.

    I second that...

  2. One shop owner in London told me that over two thirds of his customers had their jeans cut. So I said to him why not cater for them by providing shorter length jeans. :D

    As a rule I refuse to cut jeans as I think it destroys the proportions or tapers intended by the designer. Why can't the manufacturers provide jeans with different lengths? Then everyone will be happier.

    Another level

    well, one thing is price, Producing everything in one inseam is much cheaper than making 2-5 different sizes. Also, consider that some sizes dont sell. so all the 30x34 would sell, but the 34x30 wont.. Its all a business, and they need to make money.. keep that in mind..

  3. Wow, I have never expected so many arguements over something so simple...Thanks to all the real replies.. and continue ranting about...

    Technically, police cannot search you, without premission.. unless you get arrested... Then your in trouble..

    I never doubted the quality of the denim... just kind of shocked at how quick it happened..

    Well, thanks for your help guys.. and throw ideas about what else you trow in your back pockets..Stay cool, no need to get heated over something stupid like what you carry around in your pockets....

    Thanks again

  4. Hey, whats up guys.. I have a quick question...

    I started on my New Standards 2 days ago, and am getting close to a rip already. I understand its because of the knucks, but i definately was not expecting it to move this quick.. I know you guys hate the knucks, but i always wanted em... any help greatly appreciated..

    On a side note, can anyone guide me on japanese denim that fits like APC NS? Thanks



    I do have a huge commute, and wear thes in school, so the seat fades the fastest.. Is this normal, or is this way too quick? Thanks again

    Mods, if this is in the wrong place.. please move it thanks..

  5. i think they're looking very good. i like the little zippo atari in the fifth pocket. your wallet is in a nice size that's giving your back pocket a manly fade. your honeycombs and whiskers look natural and well-worn. i think you can keep wearing these and see how far you can go. but you're also qualified to move on to a more premium denim with deeper indigo dyes, so that you can get more contrast in your wear.

    Thanks chicken.. I have apc's in the wings, If those turn out well, ill move on to more serious stuff..

    cosign with the clucky one...

    i'd add that your choice in magazines needs more help than your choice in denim, though...

    Haha, True.. but I like 'em... and they're free.. so i can't really complain.. The "stuff" not featured there can be easily found on special internet sites, *wink*

    Thanks for the comments guys..

  6. My first pair.. Its the el-cheapo STF from JCPenney/Sears.. $30

    4 months, cold machine wash with woolite dark

    7 months, same plus 1/2 listerine capful of bleach (i had nothing to loose, and yes, i threw the cap out)

    8 months, im getting bored with them already

    any comments welcome, and any tips would be greatly appreciated..



    Sorry for the mess in the background....

    They look much better without flash...More pics later..

  7. they won't give you skin cancer, if that's what you're asking. they might however make you feel like never wearing a pair of pants again...

    Thanks for the info, Ill try it when i get my hands on some.

    Also, wouldn't saoking it in starch give it a similar effect to washing, not in removal of dirt, or smell, but rather in making the denim more fuzzy than shiny? Thanks again for the help.

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