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Posts posted by magus1234

  1. those look nice poly, I would of bought these but I already own 2 pairs of prps, love the brand veven though they get a lot of flack ::cool:

  2. quality is a lie. At the end of the day there is some POS unwearavble cheap shit thats not worth buying, and then theres some stuff that might fall apart after long usage then theres some shit that will last you long. Of course some jeans take longer to make or are "raw" but whatever, your prolly paying more for exclusivity and brand name plus its coolness level( current demand in the market).

    I see ppl ranting about how well this raw jean ismade andhow well that raw jean is made, wahtever.... When alot of ppl tend to wear them HARD for a long time it kinda kills the lifespan. I wear predistressed jeans that will last me just as long, I baught a pair of PRPS pintuck lightwash for 325 dollars. 325 dollars!! Dope ass jeans, but Im not paying for quality, cause a pair of old 575's have lasted very well for the wear ive put in them.

    Just get what you want cause of how it looks, if the "quality" is a little shittier just take better care.

  3. Thanks for the detailed pictures.

    It seems you have a "thread worm" crawling along your jeans and this deffinitely something you should worry about.

    I suggest you squish the filthy little critter between two fingers and return the jeans to where you got them from to exchance them.

    (ps I apologise in advance for derailing!)

    so classic:D

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