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Mr Calvin Oscar

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Posts posted by Mr Calvin Oscar

  1. good replacement for the p90x recovery drink? i heard chocolate milk is good, also apple juice mixed with whey, but the p90 drink has some creatine in it. would it be best to just get that and some whey isolate?

  2. Last night I was at a show and this obnoxious drunk girl a couple people away from me just squats down and pees right in the middle of the crowd... what the hell, man. Then they kicked her and her friend out, but they got let back in for some reason. Shit's awful.

    EDIT: It was still a really good show. Even though I was standing in piss half the time

    ew. that happened to me too at all points west a couple years ago, except she pissed in a bottle that started to get kicked around. no shame

  3. so.....anyone want to give me thoughts on these guys that I've narrowed it down to -

    Bert Krak


    Steve Boltz


    Bailey Hunter Robinson

    the other guys from ss tatto perhaps but I think i have it down to those three - Bert Krak possibly my fav. I have read that a couple people have been there so any input would be cool.

    depends what kind of tat you want. steve is really the best at old school style stuff. he's the owner of the shop

    not sure who bailey is... he works at smith st?

  4. Shit that's pretty spooky. I have an owl that lives in my yard and will hoot, from about 20 feet away, at the most unexpected times. Made me jump up in alarm more than I'd like to admit.

    Edit: One time I heard a crazy screech and a ferocious flapping of wings at like 3 AM, only to find a pair of birds legs, without a body, still clinging to the fence the next day. Brutal!

    Double edit: Yo Calvin your band's recordings sound good. Did you guys record yourself?

    thanks! but nah, we record at seaside studios on a 16 track. we're going back in on friday actually to do 2 more tracks

  5. Late response but I am growing it. I realized it was getting a little absurd so I vowed not to go near my hair with scissors until it is chin-length, at least!

    what! no! short-haired girls are the best 4 srsly

    edit: oh mass just said tha

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