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Posts posted by stayhandsome

  1. We lost our dog who we had to nurse along the past few years which limited our travel so we spontaneously went to Costa Rica in March. Being American I didn't want to go to Puerto Rico or Mexico where a undertone of animosity would be occasionally present and TBH we really surprised by Costa Rica.

    Spent the first 4 days in San Jose their big city by the airport. Probably a day or 2 too long for some but we found a boutique high rise called URBN filled with modern Airbnb's for about $60 a night right in a Gastro area. Downtown was cool, some brutalist architecture. But the food was amazing and for an upscale but reasonable time check Sikwa. 


    Spent the last 4 days in Manuel Antonio their national park where the rainforest meets the beach. Incredible. You can get a giant coconut with a few shots of rum added at the entrance to the park for about $6. We stayed at Gaia, highly recommended. About $200 for a room ours was higher but it's 5 star and worth it. A solo car trip with driver between the airport is $150.





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  2. I recently spent 2 weeks in Taipei and a few days in Hsinchu.


    Ximen Area: 

    + Species Records was great. Lots of Detroit techno and Chicago house which wasn't exactly what I was expecting. The owner even had a Ron Trent shirt on which was a better look than what I was seeing on the street. 

    + The Ximen mall with the micro shops had plenty of magical items from all the best labels, but at large prices. Tho some stores had interesting items like Rat Fink floor mats and whatnot you can only find in Asia. 

    + There's a shop called "Flea Market" where the owner goes to the West Coast USA flea markets and brings back Americana. Being a seller at said antique markets I found this place interesting and pretty well curated. 

    + We liked this urban temple near the expressway and decided to return one night and found a place called "Beer + Bicycle" which was pretty random and awesome. The owner owns the multi-level building and provides a lounge with craft beer service on the main floor as well as a bar on the second floor with caligraphy painting, then several floors of cheap seemingly unused hostile. He was a hip local who brought us to the rooftop for shots, let us tour the beer cellar, made dumplings.

    + The Red House is an old brick building which has a great large portion vegetarian meal for cheap. 


    We stayed in a Da'an AirBnB, it was nice with decent stores and everything but nothing overly interesting or noteworthy. There is a Hong Kong 24 hour restaurant outside the subway station with plenty of good vegetarian options. The eslite book store had some records but nothing special or noteworthy considering the price/rareness ratio. 


    What I really liked was visiting the Fuhe Bridge flea market. On the weekends is the best time to visit and we found plenty of RARE vinyl records, great clothes like NOS Edwin, lots of neat antiques. 

  3. This aint your normal Rick Owens ad full of color, this is a piece of fashion history.


    Kaisik Wong, innovator of wearable art, had a little event in SF decades ago. Literally at the start of his career, before the Betty Davis album cover. This flyer measures over 12 inches long at it's longest. Honestly this belongs in an archive or museum. Yours for $120. The Cockettes are a well known drag group and their poster is the same price!  






    I moved from Chicago to Venice Beach 6 years ago and started scouring the area for cultural history to support my existence as opposed to working for a board of shareholders I'll never see. Yesterday I found a record signed by Gaylord Carter, the famed organist of the silent movie era. Everything is legit. These flyers came in a box of ephemera with lots of Muhammad Speaks and Black Panther publications from the early 70's as well as psychedelic rock and concert poster design stuff. He or she who previously owned these was on point!

  4. Your arguments are so fucking broken its ridiculous. Videogames, like any other vice if overused, can be counterproductive. Who's to say people cannot learn about culture, fantasy, grow their imagination, learn, or create based off of playing video games?  There's diminishing returns for people who play video games everyday, but same can be said for those who compulsively watch TV, workout, party, etc etc. It's about finding a balance- life is too short and nobody is truly a workhorse 24/7. TV also has created industry, defined culture, provoked conversation, driven innovation technologically- I don't understand how you are missing that completely. 


    Some game systems take nearly as much power unused as when powered on. Now take the total power used in the USA for example and think about how much coal is burned for you to play. How many Virginia mountain tops have been leveled? How much mining slurry has hit the watershed as a result? Domestic gamers could power San Diego for an entire year as of 2008. Probably closer to LA now. 

  5. While I don't completely disagree, you can't jump to conclusions as if you've "figured everything out". People use clothing to embrace their heritage, to defy others (rebellion), to seek acceptance, for personal well-being, because they are generally interested in the process or design, to bridge gaps among other cultures, to create an identity, etc etc- it all boils down to unique experiences that individuals or groups share. Just because you believe it is used to divide does not at all mean that is universally true.


    Many people are into the non-material things, particularly those that make you spiritually enriched. Who's to say you cannot do both, there are material and immaterial things in this world.


    IDK where you were going with the turquoise and minerals bit (lol) but that falls in line with the material vs immaterial argument, to which there is nothing wrong with embracing both. Good for you that you can find spiritual enrichment without taking interest in objects.


    Also- you are clearly identifying with a particular subculture with your tattoos, your type of dress, etc. There is no particular way you can have no material identity and not let it shape who you are. Just because you buy second hand goods does not mean you are a good person or mindful of others, the environment, etc. 


    Where I agree with you- obviously people often prioritize the material world over things like relationships or how your personality defines you. There are several people I can think of who leverage material possession for "spiritual" enrichment. You can really see the fallacy that material things buys happiness falls short. It's pretty obvious to the majority, but if you're just figuring that out now that's fine as well...


    Heritage, rebellion, seeking acceptance are all experiences of self. As long as people think about what they are wearing beyond utility and function it is wasted exertion. My first job was at a chemical plant in Detroit when I was 17 which is where I got my look. Then I got a job as holiday help in fashion, turned visual merchandiser, travelled as an area manager, figured things out. Everything I am wearing was free from jobs except the boots, purchased by a military base, all produced domestically. Not of it matters to me as long as it doesn't tread on the environment.


    Now you might live on a harmonious pitch, but what I see on a daily basis is a generally unconnected society. Even worse when you consider the grave danger we might be in as a whole. And rather than connect as people, we choose to identify with heritage to strengthen our divide. Our rebellion is a rebellion of a rebellions rebellion. Seeking acceptance from people seeking acceptance from people seeking acceptance. All bottomless cycles without result. All products of an unconnected self. 


    While overall I'm not sure what you are getting at or asking but a new heritage is what I seek. The people that I used to convene with on this message board seemed at the edge of the tip and I'm sure you still are. But I look on here and see not a single new idea, nothing rebellious being discussed, no new identities being formed. Maybe there's not enough turquoise posts. Maybe we should all get into geography, take gem trips and become mineral heads. Maybe the essential oil for creativity is lacking on most peoples vanity. 

  6. Stayhandsome, did sum thing happen? What catalyst b makin u b do intolerant of general tv and video games? How's yr penmanship? If u get off the internet and write me some letter(s) I'd maybe consider ceasing video game and tv. 


    PM me your address and only nice things will happen as a result. 


    If you live close by I'd be willing to jive with ya.


    Video games contribute to honing great skills which I cannot deny. But at some point said skills must be used for positive to counterbalance the pendulum swing created by the amount of energy and resources they demand. TV does not contribute to any sort of skills but does help maintain a status quo that damns us from creating a real life civilization of social engagement and progress. 

  7. I used to be into fashion. Now I just try to find goods second hand that are made in humane ways. 


    People use clothing as a way to divide themselves from one another for the sake of being unique.


    Now I am into what cannot be seen. 


    Every day I further my spiritual progression and fashion has nothing to do with it.


    Although some hold turquoise and other minerals in high regards.


    Be yourself, an evolved organism of definable substances fueled by light. 

  8. If you try to describe something and the only thing that comes to mind is a TV show reference, then your mind is void of truths. Sumerian culture left records of celestial occurrence our minds were only able to fathom in the past 200 years. They knew something that was real. Our history has been stolen from us and replaced with people acting like people who aren't even special enough to be themselves, enriching your mortal experience with nothing but a crack hit to your senses. I'm surrounded by uninteresting media babies. My friends Dad directed a major TV show with over 300 episodes, his Dad didn't let him watch TV. 


    The faux reality created by media overlords occupies your mind state and maintains a status quo that keeps them up there and you working hard to buy what they are selling you. Turn off the screen, talk to your neighbor. Create real moments. 

  9. Yo for real tho. What if every minute you spent playing video games was used making the world a better place? I got a nintendo for Christmas in 88 and a nintendo power subscription. Was invited to test new products by the company like Super Scope 6. Before that I had a commodore 64 in my bedroom entering code to boot floppies.


    Not no mo monte. 


    There's a big world out there. It needs you. If you want to mess with electronics buy a synth and bring people together at a warehouse party before they all fill up with people dressed like star wars or hook ups skateboards characters. Create an app that generates environmental clean ups as needed. Not only are you wasting moments playing games but you type about them online. Connecting with people just to kill their effigy digitally. This isn't living. It isn't culture. It isn't art. And all of those things are dying. Get real. 


    Also I started posting on here 10+ years ago under youwish.. I pulled the plug on the computer as well. 

  10. Who got tickets to this??? FUCK


    Think I Care is actually playing too? wow


    day 2 tickets - available this saturday 





    Shouldn't we all still be mad at No Warning for selling out? I saw them at Posi Numbers 2002 which was pretty hard but then I saw them opening for the Cro Mags in Detroit in 2003, where they got heckled off the stage by the elders for being skinny and playing hard music. 

  11. I agree with the button fly.. When Levis first changed that up with zippers a cowboy wrote Mr. Strauss about "feeling like he was taking a wiz into an alligators jaws"..


    They fade in really nicely from what I've seen. I got their 11oz so I'm not really expecting much fade wise but have seen some really nicely faded in light blues and 13 oz indigo. Their shirting has gotten better but yeah the Made in America prices put some ppl off. The sizing is consistent but if you normally wear a large get a medium cause they are cut for Americans.

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