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Posts posted by beroldsky

  1. Being Undercover, I doubt there's any real commentary at all..just a design intended to look edgy. I really hate that brand, but damn I want that shirt; if only I wasnt broke.

    And no, them "nips" arent really anti-semitic..they're in fact completely ignorant of Jews, and just think of them as just another group of white people. They don't find NS or ol' Adolf any more offensive than any other political movement and don't see what about the hoopla about the holocaust is about.

    There was also the Nazi bar in Korea - a whole bar designed with a Nazi motif, giant swazi banners, totenkopfs, SS flags, the whole deal. And a clothing store in Taiwan (or maybe it was Hong Kong) with a Nazi theme - clothing folded over giant kegs of Zyklon B and such. And most recently, a Hitler coffeshop in India.

    All of these have been closed due to scrutiny from Jewish advocacy groups, and I find that quite offensive. The locations of these businesses don't have any Jewish patrons so why censure artistic expression, no matter how crass you may find it to be.

    Man, that David-swazi is fuckin awesome. I think I'm gonna steal it and print up a shirt for myself with just that. Should go over well in NYC.

    I think those bars themed on the genocide of a race to be offensive, there is a difference between art and using something as terrible as the nazi's to sell a product, and I'm happy that they were closed down.. fuck nazi scum bags, they would ve hated superfuture anyway

  2. can we get confirmation on Raf S and Raf Raf being on sale at barneys?

    last time i went they weren't on sale and I heard starting the 8th?

    yeah the RAF stuff was on sale, think a few pieces weren't and I think The Raf Simons was also..

  3. I was at jefferyes today wasting some time, and the saleman told me they just got in new Dior Jeans, and when I asked where the black were made he said they weren t black but DARK navy.. from a distance they look black but on closer inspection they have a slightly blue glow, and teh inside of the denim was a light blue, they were MII.. are these new I had no idea they made em?

  4. thanks a lot for the help guys, its not for me actually for a record lable I intern for.. and I have to handle there t shirt sales..

    does anyone know what a hanes t shirts wieghs?

  5. I know im not selling anything but, I didn't know where to put it.. I have to get shipping prices for USPS from NYC to Japan, Europe and The UK? its for a normal t shirt quite a heavy cotton

    hope u guys can help

  6. damn, I have a feeling they will be too small for me... bummer! The only way I could buy them would be if you dropped the price low enough for me to resell them if needed... and these things are too hot for that to happen!

    PM me with an offer man so we can see what we can do

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