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Posts posted by jackierose

  1. i find that separating out the book version from the tv/movie version and appreciating it more as an interpretation of the original story makes me enjoy things more.

    my girlfriend things dan is ugly, thinks nate is cute, but really has the hots for rufus.

    and i have to admit, thats a DIFOF... dad i'd fag out for.

    haha, i do agree with that. at first it was a bit confusing though.

    rufus is definitely a huge DILF.

  2. after of course reading the books,

    the show was shit first episode. then i just sucked it up, and accepted it, and now it's glorious. being a girl, nate and dan aren't too bad either. but theyre not underage.

  3. loud cereal eaters.

    not throwing garbage in the garbage.

    the filth that lies at the bottom of a water filled sink.

    when batteries die.

    sand in my bathing suit.

    people who have a heavy foot while pressing the brake.

    vegetarians who don't shut up about it.

    cheap, noisy cars with mufflers.

    brown, cold, slushy snow.

  4. i'd be careful about getting an older car, especially one of that caliber.

    it's gorgeous, but you've got to take into considering where/when you'll want to drive it, and it's true purpose. to be honest, the majority of people that have cars that old have a secondary car for actual driving purposes, and that would be more of a cruiser.

    you've just got to do the research to make sure about insurance, car parts, and even any manuals that you can find, and make sure it's worth the financial investment.

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