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Posts posted by jackierose

  1. Another negative for Macs is the lack of AUTCOcad support - fkin shitty AutoCAD

    I hate this!

    In school I require autoCAD which means I have had to install first Vista, didn't work - then XP and I need to fully shut down my computer and reboot to use XP. And it takes up all my GBs.

  2. WTF. shit, look at my breakfast.


    protein shake: micell edge, brewers yeast, fiber, greens powder

    sups: multi, fish oil, vit d, joint support, turmeric

    6 oz of tuna, some salad dressing, spinish, kim chi

    laughing cow cheese wedge

    a slice of custard bread


    i took my time and ate this over about a course of 30 mins.

    what website did you use for this?

  3. I've lived in Toronto my whole life, but just moved out of my family's house this year.

    I'm 19 and I go to one of the schools downtown, and I'll tell you, just look on craigslist you'll find a room mate and a house in a great downtown area, and it'll be fine. I mean, I pay 733 where I'm staying with two other room mates, and it's quite nice actually. Close to school. But I've got friends around the corner that pay around 5- something.

    either way, don't worry. there's tons of work and opportunity here,

    good luck!

    another friend of mine moved from PEI to here to go to school, and she's loving it.

  4. l_1f9a90802923bd1adc3bd26334c82dda.jpgl_1fe5f1610db76671bfd70c7afb45a22e.jpgl_8580fc4d24c515acf9d585c257f06e69.jpg

    Got it done like last month or so, I have to get the large flower by my wrist touched up though. Paisley is my favorite print.

    Sacred Tattoo, NYC

    i absolutely love this.

    it's gorgeous.

  5. I'm having the same problem, but I'm in Florida?

    I'm near palm beach, directly facing the ocean. It's gusting at around 60km, and the temperature is somewhere near 13.

    last night it was below zero, cold air is blowing in from every crevice! what we've done is tried to put things from where the air is coming in to block it.

    i might as well just go back to canada.

    the ocean looks like alaskan seas, its terrifying.

  6. i used to be totally okay smoking occasionally, and one time it all changed.

    a friend and i literally got so high, i was so sick i thought i might die. it was the worst trip ever. i thought i should be hospitalized.

    second time round, smoked before a concert, had to leave..

    and that was just two times, many many many times before there was never a problem.

    all in my head?

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