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Posts posted by johnnay

  1. was anybody at low end theory beat invitational #12 last night?

    Asura, Thavius Beck, and Daddykev killed it! such a dope night. they had the pure filth system set up at the outside stage. serious wall of air being pushed around.

  2. either we got different tastes or you saw a different set, cause Mary sucked when she was in T.O.

    with the exception of Hyph Mngo, her track selection was weak as hell

    and, on top of that, Joy Orbison has come out w/ some great tunes since Hyph....its a great track, but lemme hear something different from time to time.

    the first time i saw her at a free scion show, she was pretty average. She did get a little boring in the middle. started jumping throwing the guns up and threw down some heavy dubs.

  3. thanksgiving day. bunch of food to eat. time to munch without feeling guilty.

    later tonight my friends and i are gonna get together and have danksgiving. BUNCH of special baked goods. blunts and beer.

    tonight is gonna be great!

  4. just got back from the gym. it was back day today ( my favorite day)

    jsut started doign deadlifts a month ago. did 185 3x5 with a warmup of 135lbs x8. 185 was easy gonan try and step it up to 205 next time i deadlift.

    ive never progressed so quickly with a lift. only if my bench press would catch up...=(

  5. ended up going back to the meet up house to start our own afterparty. got pretty crazy. wayyy better than the failure that was HARD summer.

    those tan dragonfly pokeballs are nuts. crazy eye wiggles.

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