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Posts posted by billiamgates

  1. ive been out of the "sneaker game" for about a year or two now, but after cleaning out my closet, ive still got some sneakers left. i think i want to sell them, but i havent been up on prices. how much do you think i can get for:

    jordan xiii flints 10.5 brand new still in box?

    sb irons 12 new in box?

    i tried looking on ebay, but much of the prices varied, and with all the fakes and scams going around, i really cant tell.

  2. Just about where my arse crack starts.

    really? i like how your outfits fit and i always thought you sagged really low to get that look. where does the front of the belt line sit in relation to your peen? is it like right above where its attached to the body? maybe your legs are just short.

  3. dioruj9.png

    i saw a collection of shots in a magazine of a dior homme leather jacket like this one. i dont know if this is this is the exact one.

    not wanting to pay for the dior premium, is there any other place where i can get a jacket like this?

    the features i really want are the collar and the silhouette. i like how it fits straight rather than puffy like regular military issue leather jackets.

    or is there any place where i can get more pictures of the dior jacket itself?

  4. i have long legs, and i like the bottom of my shirt right on the belt line. so i have to sag alot. i really dont mind it. but my ass doesnt fill the jeans out. i sag them till the belt line reaches right above my penis. when my penis is horizontally set.

  5. Well, I think my ego is pretty much satisfied for the night, and I guess a retarded unevolved ape like yourself really can't do much more. I win, I really don't think there's many more cards you can pull here. You suck, you lose, thread over, I wish death upon you and anyone who likes you.

    tonight i'll dream while i'm in bed

    when sill thoughts go through my head

    about the bugs and alphabet

    and when i wake tomorrow i'll bet

    that you and i will walk together again

    cause i can tell that we

    are going to be friends


  6. You still haven't contributed anything but one of the stupidest names here, very poor grammar, superfluous conflict, and useless fluff as far as I'm concerned.

    Edit: this thread sucks.

    im sorry. i forgot to say switch.

    if you have any questions on how not to suffocate your nuts in a pair of denim, id be glad to help. or you can ask sycamore to unbutton your pants for you.

  7. why because some song said they werent sneakers?


    im seriously over this shit.

    i understand youre frustration, but try not toact so sorely. thats exactly why many other forums hate us. try to teach not taunt. unless youre taunting crillz or sycamore. then its all good.

  8. i like women.
    Wow you should know better then, that's pretty dissapointing on your part. You should be pretty ashamed of yourself.
    LAWL = exaggerrated phonetic spelling of the commonly used acronym LOL.

    And no, that comment was in reference to you, no one else.

    im sorry. not everyone can have the same passionate relationship you and sycamore share.

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