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Posts posted by denim_newbie

  1. interesting... I went back to Dior the other day looking for black raws and went and re-checked the jeans and they still had both selvedge and non-selvedge Japanese 19cm indigos. I'm pretty positive mine are newer. Tag price for the non-selvedge was 365,000W, about $380 something? They didn't have my size in those though. These Korean prices include a lot of VAT and import/lux tax, almost 40% sometimes. These things are so expensive here in relation to everything else that I wonder who they sell them to in Korea, I'm reminded of that APC Manila thread. Most people who've seen me wearing these jeans are fucking befuddled and just don't get them because Koreans dress like Italians, in the bad sense.

    How much are these at Selfridges including VAT?

    On the other hand, I really want the raw black 19cm's and they don't have them here. They also told me in their poor English that they don' think they exist, which is wrong right? I just want those black Brut Nostalgys that they have on luisaviaroma for 170EU. I guess I will just have to get my kid sister back home to get these, otherwise I have no hope. I also want that wool drap sport jacket but can't afford it at EU or KR prices. :P

    The Brut Nostalgy's are Italian denim. If you look at the next pair of jeans on Luisaviaroma's site, the Brut 19cm, they're Japanese Denim and when you select your size, they have the black raw available.

  2. Do the raw dior's stretch at all? I'm not sure whether to go for dior 32's or 33's. I have bootcut ola's in 33's and they fit really well, though I probably could have squeezed into a 32. Reason I ask is because the raw black dior's only go up to 32 on luisaviaroma's site and I don't have a dior store near by.

  3. Quote:
    Quote: I've been using L'eau D'Issey by Miyaki for the past 5 years and I'm getting kinda tired spraying the same thing every weekend. The bottle is still more than half-full, should I ditch it or keep using it? Looking for some other cologne, preferably something light and breezy, nothing strong or musky. Any suggestions?

    Yep, if you are into that, then you like scents with an "oceanic/aquatic" base. Thus, some readily available ones include: Hanae Mori, Ferragamo Subtil, Dior Higher, Penhaligon's Endymion, Versace Metal...

    If you want topclass scents that virtually NONE of your friends/people you know will have, go for Truefitt & Hill's 1805, Clubman, or Freshman; these are all 'fresh' 'aquatic' scents. Another great recommendation, as noted above is products by Creed, however Green Irish Tweed is nowhere along the lines of the type of scent you are looking for (although it is indeed, amazing).

    Millesime Imperiale and Silver Mountain Water are a couple of Creed's 'oceanic' scents. My advice is to go to:


    You can order a multitude of Creed samples (which are only $4 a piece), find the one you like, then buy it on e-bay (in stores they are $200+ and can be bought on the bay' for around $75).....Samples are the best way to go; you can even email Trueffit and Hill and Penhaligon's to get some nice FREE sample sets....I have an enormous library of colognes and would be glad to offer more help if needed. Cheers......

    Edited by englandmj7 on Jun 13, 2006 at 09:04 AM

    --- Original message by englandmj7 on Jun 13, 2006 09:03 AM

    Do they ship to the U.S. ?
  4. Hi, i used the search but didn't see a thread on sizing for Atelier la Durance jeans. I'm specifically looking at the Frontier pants but have no place to try them on. I currently wear a pair of 33in, nudie bootcut olas but I probably could have sizing down and squeezed into a 32in if I had really tried. I called one place (out of state) that had Atelier La Durance and they said I would probably need to size up??? Can anyone shed some clarification on these jeans? I really like the look of the cut and the design on the back pockets.

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