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Posts posted by KM80

  1. Around 1992 one of his buddies, former pro Josh Swindell, apparantely killed a gay guy in a bar in SD by hitting him with a brick or something. From what I remember, the homo was trying to chat up DWay, Swindell told him to stop, and when the guy continued the fight broke out. DWay was never a suspect or anything in that case, Swindell went to jail, probably still in there. rumors are tho, that it was danny who did it.

    But DWay doesnt really like gays, or at least he used not to like them. XYZ (his shop/clothing company) once had a shirt with the gay/rainbow flag full of bullit holes....

    Ha, every once in a while I wonder what happened to that guy, The last thing I heard about him (when I first started skateboarding in 92) was that he was in mexican jail for having guns or something but that it was just a big misunderstanding and that he would be out soon, and then I never heard about him again.

    I'm with you though, Virtual Reality was the first skateboard video I ever owned and still one of my favorites, I really don't know why they would even bother to try bringing it back again.

  2. It just takes practice, you'll eventually get more and more comfortable with it, just look at one video of some asshole that's video taped himself doing a track stand to give you the idea and then keep trying it.

    Have you put a break on your bike yet? If you're super noob and just learning the basics you'll probably want to do that.

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