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Posts posted by fobsquad

  1. but honestly the whole pc="personal computer" world has gone to shit now that we all want ipads/iphones/imacs (or tablets/phones/allin1pcs) but notice all the viruses/trojans for apple lately?

  2. that brings up a good point. if you buy an ivy bridge mobo, you can still use the i5-2500k with your gtx9800 or another pcie2 gpu card. then eventually you can upgrade to pcie3 by only buying an ivy bridge cpu (plus the pci3 gpu card.)

  3. Everybody in my city is suddenly wearing Wu-Tang Clan T-shirts, couldn't figure out why. Turns out Primark got a licence to print them.

    Still, feels like its 2000 again.

    true story. just last week i drove past a hipster in shorts raybans and rainbow sandals in a wutang shirt riding his bike/fixie? on the highway... against traffic like a dumbass. i shouldve clipped him

  4. ivy bridge vs sandy bridge delta is only pcie 3, two more sataIII and two more usb3 ports. but with ivy bridge cpus, you can also get up to 3 onboard displays.

    imho, sandy bridge is already overkill for 9 out of 10 users [including macnerds]. if youre not running 3+ 1080p displays or playing graphics-intensive games, then youll be set4life with any core i5 or i7 setups

    the graphic card market basically died in the last decade because mobos would have onboard gpu and every card could do 2 monitors easily, thereby eliminating the need for crossfire/sli

    the best radeons are usually pcie2.1. theyre generally cheaper but also more varieties. higher end ones can do up to 6 monitors but even low end 4000's can do two 1080p decently (my HD4350 is 4yo)

    if youre stuck with pcie2.0, go with nvidia gtx. only downside is youre stuck with max 2 displays unless go with the high end cards ($200-$500) or buy two for an SLI setup

    radeon cards look at the hunreds place. (ie HD3870 is a lil better than HD7350)

    geforce cards look at the tens place. (ie GTX295 is lil better than GTX510)

    generally speaking....123 is low end, 456 is mid end, and 789 is high end. but it may depend cuz they sometimes skip and nvidia uses 0 too

    long story short...i think you should see if the current setup is good enough for you. ive no experience with asrock but onboard it probably has 2 digital displays + vga, so you might already be good without a video card. if you dont need the hdd space, i would use the money towards an ssd. the speed upgrade is too crazy and hdd prices are still ridiculous right now.

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