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Posts posted by watchman

  1. damn those girls with the big cheap wine bottles are truly corny. inspires me to finally troll facebook for some pics, i know quite a few girls who would fit right in to this thread.





    more momentarily...

  2. Picture005-6.jpg

    maybe that shirt is cool, but the "detail pics" didnt work so im saying this fit is boring. not postworthy in any way.


    for god's sake buy this man some fucking socks that dont end at the ankle. Or you could just crop the bottom of photo. do something though.

  3. They are quite possibly american, but the UK definitely is conducive to people who dress like that. They try to copy american styles and a lot of the time it just looks off or artificial, which makes a stupid looking outfit even worse.

  4. i am the smartest person in virginia.

    no, you arent. Speaking of which, there are wack kids everywhere, people dressing amazingly badly isnt specific to us southerners. In fact, the last time i was in seattle I saw some of the worst dressed people i have ever seen.

  5. "Stewart had denied the offence, claiming it was caused by a misunderstanding after he had too much to drink."

    if only all criminal charges could be averted with this excuse.

  6. ha well he is an NT/ISS kid at heart i think, at least they would listen to his rants about brand dyslexia. in fact i bet he could get a serious following going on if he tried. Every time he talks about brand coordination i think of the guys that used to come into the store i worked at and buy Coogie tracksuits.

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