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Posts posted by spiveyt2

  1. Some advice about the wedding band. Get it tight so it hurts to get it over your biggest knuckle. My first ring is at the bottom of the ocean at the Great Barrier Reef of the coast of Port Douglas in Australia because it was too loose.

  2. numero_uno, I should explain myself a little better. With honeycombing, the combs form tighter (less space between them) on tighter fitting jeans than looser ones but not necessarily more or less crisp. The difference in crispness seems to occur in the whiskering on the front.

  3. Quote:

    Now come on you don't have to get panties all in a bunch because someone disagrees with ya. And all these other companies are making these repros for the pure joy of it and the $400 + price on some are just covering cost. Yeah Right. Like I said we'll see in 15 years whos still around.

    --- Original message by airfrogusmc on Jun 10, 2006 12:44 PM

    I have to agree with you that thinking that the Japanese repro companies are acting as some kind of bottom-line-ignoring, free-love hippie, do-it-just for-the-denim organizations seems rather foolish. I guarantee that they do care about the almighty dollar (yen) to some degree. Now that may not be quite as much as Levis but still. Besides, caring about profit is not a bad thing. Its when you don't care about quality. On the other hand, airfrog, I don't understand why Levis is still great just because they made great stuff in the past. Just because they will be around in another 15 years doesn't make it any better now or later. The Orioles aren't still a great team just because they had some great seasons in the '70s and early '80s. This is what have you done for me lately territory.
  4. Quote:

    no, it's a good question.

    is it possible to make a sythetic indigo color dye that is super-fade resistant? is this what sulpher topping/bottoming is?

    --- Original message by mizanation on Jun 9, 2006 08:20 AM

    From what I remember ring^2 saying about sulphur use is tat it makes the color look darker without needing to dip it a whole bunch of times, but it does not make it so that indigo won't fade. Is that about right?
  5. If you were looking for slim but but tapered dry for girls, there are a few others, as well: Skull, Somet, Denimbirds (Nudie all female brand), Acne, Lee Riders 101z and Geisha (Samurai) for what I can remember now. My wife has Denimbirds Straight leg and Lee 101z Japanese full selvedge (these crock like a motherfucker, whiskers in like a week) for that straight leg look. Both are pretty nice.

  6. Ah yes, Honestforum. Perfect for your daily dose of "Real or Fake?" "OMG!!! Have you seen the new 7FAM Apockets?!?!?! ITs like an A pocket but its mesh!!!! *****piiiiiissssssss****" and "Those but fucking ugly jeans look so great on you! I need a pair!!!"

    Oh, and that was great stuff with the brown-bagger grilfriend on there, cheapmofo.

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