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Posts posted by Eccles

  1. personally practice an hour a day including 20 mins of meditation

    and hour and a half weekly class

    since beginning I cant imagine how I lived without it

    I have learnt yoga nidra although im not aware of every strand

    i'm curious as i feel somewhat of a novice

  2. checkout the remix twofer tradimods vs rockers

    some decent names do congotronics

    missed seeing them a few years back cos they didnt get visas

    still bummed

    also recent comp shaangan electro of south african music is awesome


  3. tried a gong fu set recentley

    at london review of books cafe (great cake too}

    really is the way to go if your a fan of oolong

    peurh is def acquired taste you can get decent stuff on ebay dragon tea house and yunnan sourcing are good sellers

    I tried some stuff from 70's and 90's really does improve with vintage

    been diggin matcha daily

    koyaeman ceremonial range is the best ive tried

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