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Posts posted by sam113

  1. wow. sam-----great idea. the jeans look sick!

    if you are are trying to make me want a pair of ALD, it's working!

    Funny you should mention it- I happen to have a pile of them on the way.

    Frontier Pants and the new Prescott along with both denim jacket styles, T-Shirts

    and BELTS. I know there are at least 10 members on here who have contacted me about my ALD belt, so if any of you are still interested PM me to reserve yours. They'll be here this month.

    DDML- helping out the local businessman. Thanks.

  2. OK. So some of you may remember from a while back I posted that we at CONTEXT were going to conduct a denim experiment where we gave a pair of jeans to our friend, Don. Don is the head brewer and plant manager at the local brewery and is a metalworker, handyman and builder. We picked him because he is harder on his clothes than anyone we know and he cares nothing about fashion or his personal appearance. So we gave him these jeans and told him to wear them to work every day for one year without washing them. Every Wednesday I take photos of them at the brewery. At the end of the year we will wash them and hang them on the wall at CONTEXT with 52 pictures (one from each week of the experiment) in chronological order and a brief synopsis of the experiment. We had also planned to make a website called donsjeans.com that would have weekly updates, but never found the time. Anyway, Don scoffed at us, insisted they wouldn't last a month, but eventually agreed.

    We gave him the Atelier LaDurance Royal Pant on JULY 1.

    That is 5.5 months ago.

    He has done as we asked and, needless to say, he is ahead of schedule.

    These things are FILTHY.

    He has developed a hole on the right front thigh from carrying screws in his pocket, so we are going to patch that with the denim from the repair kit that came with the jeans. He will then resume wearing them for the rest of the year.

    For reference sake, he bought a pair of Caterpillar boots at Farm & Fleet the same week as he started with the jeans and had to replace them 2 weeks ago.












  3. I usually have a specific piece in mind, but if I don't and I come across something that catches my eye I try to consider the rest of my collection so as to avoid repeating a cut or fabric.

    However, if I find a jean that is clearly supierior to one in my collection of similar cut and/or fabric I buy it and shitcan the old one.

  4. Tweeds-

    I think that your #1 is too general and won't aleviate the problem that most people have with the evo thread- having to sift through lots of junk to get to the goods.

    It'll be like going to H&M.

    There needs to be a spot that is clearly for new jeans(Recent Purchases), a spot for showing progress and major developements(I say leave the Evo as it is- hopefully the Recent Purchases thread will clean it up considerably), a spot for collections(Show Us What You Got), and I love Poly's idea of a Graveyard or Retirement thread, where you post project jeans that are either done or have reached Serge's "Weekend Jean" status.

    I also think Thatguys idea is interesting- but maybe it should be a Hall of Fame thread. Chosen by the mods or even a panel of SF heavyhitters- think of the lobbying, cajoling and backbiting that would go on both by SFrs wanting to be on the panel and by posters trying to get their jeans in to it! It would add a whole new dynamic to the Future.

  5. Yeah- he puts em in the freezer for a couple days and it (at least) reduces the odor. Seems to work pretty well.

    Of course he is a young bachelor who keeps no food in there- I would not put a stanky pair of jeans in my freezer next to the ribeyes, skirtsteak, filets and ice cream. I mean, I love jeans and everything, but I do not want to season my beef with them.

    Winter has arrived here, so us Sconnies could just put them outside and it will be colder than our freezers are anyway. We've got a customer who does what he calls a "snow wash"- where he buries them in the snow and massages it in to them, shakes them out and hangs them up. He swears by it and I am going to give it a try- I just have to decide which pair is the lucky winner.

  6. I've always seen the lswyg thread as one to highlight entire collections.

    Maybe we need a denim version of Recent Purchases, for people to show off newly aqcuired single pieces that they are excited about.

    As far as the Evo thread goes, before shots aren't neccessarily essential. Once a jean has been posted the before shots already exist for each future post.

    None of us like the shots of jeans that show little to no wear- but I think they are inevitable. Even if there was a "jeans with no noticable wear" thread the Evo thread would still get clogged with such pics. Its an unpleasant reality of SF and while not ideal, seems to me to be at worst only an inconvenience.

    Just scroll past em.

  7. Perpetually drunk and single rocker-musician-type. Tight shredded Levis (never Lees or Wrangler), engineer boots or Docs (sneakers were for pussies like Anthrax), t-shirts and motorcycle jackets (regardless of outside temp) with hair down to my ass.

    But that was when most of you were still riding your Big-Wheels.

  8. sam, your outfit looks really bottom-heavy with those KC gunboats and the skinny SJs. since we are all picking on footwear selection...

    Keeps me from tipping over after a couple Corralejos.

    I did consider the Public Eyes instead, but there is still some snow on the ground.

    You would have hated it with the 8130s that I had on first.

  9. They are still my favorite- followed very closely by my XX-005s and Sorahiko Slims.

    If I was a slubfreak it might be the other way around, but I prefer less slub.

    They don't get enough use because of those other two, but are showing some noticable wear. I'll throw up some pics soon.

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