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Posts posted by bonde111

  1. Not sure what size I should get, on how Dukes compair to Nudie Bootcut Ola's. My Ola's are a 33 and were fairly tight when I first got them, and have stretched to fit great, but the thighs are a little tight still after wearing them casually for a year.

    Are the thigh measurements slimmer on the Ola's than the Dukes? I'm trying to decide between some Imperials or some Sammies.

    I want something that's not going to be super slim, but nothing big like my Reg. Ralfs. Those I went 1 size up, to a 34 in the waist, and I should have kept them 33 or even 32, but heard they shrink a bit when you wash them. My Earnest Sewn Fulton 05 Milk blue 3d in a 33 fit almost perfect, might have even been comfy in a 32. I want something similar to those for a fit.

  2. How do the sizing run? I'm looking at some @norestore. Ed Concrete Denim, Ed 47 Regular, and some 47 reg rainbow selvage. Do they all fit basically the same and are cut the same? The rainbows bottom leg opening looks a tiny bit bigger than the concrete and 47 reg from the pics. How baggy are they? I purchased some Nudie Bootcut Ola's dry in a 33x32, and at first they fit real snug, but they have loosened up to be comfortable(like every has said) and am waiting on some 34x32 RRDS, which might or might not be too big. I have some levi's that are 34x32 that are a little big, and some Hollister jeans that are 33 or 34 that fit real good. anyways. What's everyones opinion on which pair are the best out of the 3.

    Also, are they all japanese denim?? I want them to fit not too baggy, but not to slim either. Leg opening needs to be not slim or straight, but just regular, ha, to bootcut. Thanks

  3. It's a double edge sword. I mean on one side, u get awesome jeans for a great price, on the other side, you share with everyone b/c why not let someone else enjoy nudie. I actually ordered my first pair about 2 weeks ago from fos5(bootcut ola's) and have been wearing them ever since. I ordered some RRDS from kitch on the 21st, and am just waiting impatiently to start breaking them in.

    I owe all of my quick interest to this place, and mynudies.com, and finding out about the two from niketalk. So really, if nobody had let me in on these places, then I wouldn't have had the opportunity to read up on all the things involved with great denim, and never had the chance to purchase nudie jeans.

    I'm hooked now. I feel the need to get some edwins and possibly some apc's. But I should pace myself, since I have one pair to break in, and one on the way. Just can't tell the girlfriend how much they cost........

  4. ^^^^ pry b/c it's the best priced place to get nudies, and it's kinda like "your own special spot" to pick up good stuff, and u don't want to tell anyone b/c it will just blow it up, and less likely to get your size, style you want. It's like that in the shoe game.

  5. Well, I am by no means an expert. But my recent purchase of some Bootcut Ola's are pretty slim fitting, and the bottoms aren't too big, not to me. They aren't real slim, i.e. thin finns, or slim kims(from pics I've seen) The bottom leg opening is pry 8 to 9 inches. Straight Svens are pry more what you are looking for, if u want a slimmer leg opening than what Ola's are. The Thin Finns are skinny, and slim kims are skinny too. Check www.nudiejeans.com for some pics of their styles. For ordering, depends on where u live. fos5.com is international I believe. http://www.kitchener.ch/html/en/shop/index.php has a good selection, and www.zoovillage.com is only europe if I remember right. Apc has a website u can get their jeans from. http://www.apc.fr/us/en/jeans.php .Try that out, and see what u can come up with.

  6. **I didn't see that someone already mentioned peroxide**

    Try hydrogen peroxide. I've never done it on denim, but on a cotton t-shirt, cotton polo, it has worked like a charm. It didn't do anything to the quality of the item either.

    Wow, very first post on here. Hope it works for your buddy.

    Edited by bonde111 on Mar 18, 2006 at 10:48 PM

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