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Posts posted by keri

  1. ahhhh.... tramp stamp.... I would not consider what I am thinking on as a tranp stamp, since it will cover almost my entire back, It's more of a piece of artwork... just have to get up the guts.... this has been in consideration for like two years tho, and I stil havne't gotten up the guts.

  2. I dont have one yet, but I have a big drawing of a floral thing to go clear across my back, right above my butt, and halfway up my back, it wraps around the side of my hips. I just have to find my balls so i can get it done.......

  3. If it's not the right frame, you have no hope. Most all places should be able to do this, if they cant, they have to be shitting you. If you have a script, you should think of those progressive ones, they are aweosme, I love mine, i dont squint all the time anymore.

  4. I HAVE to wash every day, I have a super persistent strain of mega dandruff. I use head and shoulders every day, then a "clean" shampoo, then Philosophy conditioner. My hair is super shiny, soft, and pretty pretty. My only complaint is it curls back up every time I wash it, and then I have to straighten it. I also use a leave in uv and heat heair protector after I wash my hair so I dont kill it with the straightener.

  5. If you have not done anything immediately after it, in the folder parts, you could try hitting ctrl+z in the file explorer to see if it will undo...

    also check the clipboard and recycle bin. Erik's figuring out how to get to it...

  6. ddml, I do that too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brushing the back of my tounge is hard!!!!

    I have had ONE hangover in my entire life, but I eat a good meal every night, drink water like mad, smoke like mad, and brush my teeth and take vitamins at night, soooooo other than the smoking, I think just practicing good sense can keep you from getting one, and if you have one, go out, in direct sunlight, and mow the damn yard. You should make it as bad as possible so you lean how important it is to prevent it....... that, or I'm a masochist.....

  7. front left phone, bus pass, card holder, cash

    front right keys, ipod

    coin pocket nothing

    rear left three bic biro pens ( red, black, blue essential for work) work ID card

    rear right tin of vaseline

    I actually carry vaseline in my purse, hahahahaha

  8. - waking up really early because it's just too hot to sleep anymore.

    - stubbing your pinky toe.

    - wearing tight pants in a public place and having your thong adopt a really uncomfortable position and not being able to adjust it.

    - curling my lashes and accidentally curling my eyelid too.

    ^ annoys me, I have a permanently broken pinky toe I think, and I just adjust it anyway, I'll unbotton and unzip to dig that srtring outta there in public, I'm not having butt crack burn.. I HATE getting my eyelid in the curler.

    aside form those:

    3 words: MOTHER IN LAW, "he likes it better when you put this detergent in" (my thoughts, "he likes it better when I RIDE him, and doesn't give a shit what detergent I freaking use")

    That freaking creepy ass fat guy that ALWAYS is behind you in a line, and constantly feels the need to creep closer to you. I DESERVE MY FREAKING PERSONAL SPACE, IF I DONT GET IT I MIGHT MURDER YOU FAT MAN!!!

    On that note, people who freaking touch me without my permission. I did not ask for you to hug me, get the fuck away from me, I dont like you, I will rip out your esophagus and eat it in front of you. go away.

    Damn teenagers in the movie theater, especially a packed movie, where they sit next to you.

    Other than that, not much. I like flowers, and pretty things, and hopping in meadows. And pie, and boobies, and cake, and that Life cereal, dry, and ice cold orange soda.... happy thoughts....

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