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Posts posted by greentea

  1. i think i have the flu... and smoked some herbs to make myself feel better after the medicne did nothign... it helped. trying to justify it to myself i guess.

    I have the best medicin for the flu. You take during the first signs,like chills etc..pop one of these. You can find it over the counter at most drug stores.

    Boiron Oscillococcinum



  2. yeah, that was us. you picked up the sc type 2 jacket also? i just had to have it also.


    Carl, don't feel slighted, check the date on my previous post, it was from yesterday. ;)

    Today I went back and saw Carl!

    Greentea, were you and your friend with the woman with the two dogs and her friend?

    Today bought a SugarCane 1953 jacket and had tamales at El Toro. The line at Tartine was too long (thanks for the tip though Kiya and Demetra (sp?), will go back another time.)

    Kiya and I both had our birthdays today! Happy Birthday Kiya!

  3. For the record I totally miss San Francisco, for all of the reasons miz listed above. West Coast is the Best Coast.

    i second minya on westcoast the bestcoast, 5 hrs from hawaii and hop,skip and a jump to asia. cant beat that. :P

  4. time to move back to the westcoast man, we chill out here.see you soon.pz :rolleyes:

    man, it's been years since i've been back. been living on the east coast for over 10 years now... new york for seven of them... time passes so quickly...

    i miss the food--maybe the best burgers in the U.S. (or second to california), awesome Japanese food, awesome Chinese food, great food at Ivar's, great bars, great diners, great cafe's.

    i miss people being laid back.

    i miss the trees and nature the most. i miss skiing in the winter time. i miss being surrounded by plants and beautiful scenery.

    i miss cruising around the city. i miss driving in general.

    i miss the view from my mom's lakeview apartment.

    i miss capital hill, i miss belltown, i miss U-district, i miss ballard, i miss downtown, i miss freemont, i miss shoreline...

    i miss low crime.

    i miss my mom's cookin'.

    new york is a great place to make money and get your hustle on, but seattle is a great place to really live.

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