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Posts posted by kikidark

  1. I have not yet the answer from cpoint but, guess what this morning when I checked my mail:




    good surprise : take off from rakuten do ship overseas!! and they carry sd 103!!!

    they have also some sugar cane, warehouse....

    link righ there

    one shop to add in the list!!! (am I a hero now tweedlesinpink? )lol

  2. haha you flatter me. no worries mate i can only try :)

    good luck let me know how it goes with the SD-103s!

    ok, I already send a mail, if it works it will be the first shop who ship 103 over seas on rakuten, and so I will post the link in the "How to order jeans from Japan" thread and so I will know how feelling is to be considered like an hero :) .

  3. let me search a bit if i find anything i'll let you know :)


    I must ask you a question:

    why are you always so good with everyone here!!!! I saw you everywhere on the forum, your post are always helping peolple who doesn't know nothing (people pretty much like me), your encyclopedia is amazing, you got the best profile picture and you like jonny depp.

    well. I'd better to stop it If I don't want people to imagine some kind of stuff.

    I will remember the post by denimdestroyedmylife all of my life!!!

    "I sense a love connection "

    tweedlesinpink the king!!!!:)

  4. Refer to the Denim Encyclopedia, then the "How to order jeans from Japan" thread to find shops that ship over seas.

    I bought from super rag in rakuten a pair of 44 and one 66 lvc one year ago.....

    but no one is shipping sd 103 over seas....

    I mailed 4 shop to ask them

    here are the two answer I got:


    BEARS' is JAPAN only Shop.







    I can shipping to Japan only.

    Thank you

    Jeans Shop FUJIYAMA

  5. kikidark - why not try ordering from rakuten stores? or take5? or get friends who are going to japan to buy a pair for you - japan's near you anyway

    Actually I know take 5 for years now !!!!!

    but even If sd 103 are on sales sammy just pm me

    1980 hkd...:mad:

    it's just 600 hkd more than the price in japan...

    Juno bid doesn't even answer me when I give him a link of 103 saw on yahoo for 10 000yen. And I didn't find any rakuten shop who can ship the sd 103 oversea....

    actually the pant are for my friend, he have a budget of 1300hkd

    seems like he will not get his jeans in one or two weeks!!!


    the xx denime are just the name of the jeans

    in rakuten they say they are repro of 47 to 50 501, but I'm not really sure about that.

    It seems like they all have different number on the tab and I still don't understand why.

    I think the xx qualification doesn't really mean something in the quality of denim now, I know there is a thread talking about that but I just don't remember the name. If someone can help?

    those are other exemple of xx denime.


    pics from bears in rakuten


    pics from shooting in rakuten

  7. Did you say 50% off on SD's?

    I want a pair of 103 !!!!!!!!!

    how much you said !!!! I'm going to take 5 next saturday!!! for this price I buy them all!!!

    sammyshima please tell they are not 34 waist or something!!!

  8. If we're talking $10-20 plus shipping, I'd be interested in a pair of fakes too.


    The new ones cost 300 bath, that the price thai seller sell it to thai dude who have to wear it during several month.

    so You could expect twice more at least for a vintage model 700 bath for small size and 1000for big size. that is about 25 usd

    And I dont think 50 usd is very expensive ...

    People sells genuine japanese stuff with 15 or 25 usd commision and everyone seems to agree that is quiete reasonable; so why the seller of thai fake will sell a pair for the same price he bought it?

    OK the seller is lying; but, and tell me if I'm wrong, most part of people know what they are buying... and they probably looked at the thai fakes pics an hundred times on the forum...

    And if you go to prince edward station in hongkong; they are selling those fakes for 90 usd and more; in korea japan and taiwan also the same price for the better one...


    I have two pair of very small size if someone like thai stuff...

  9. yes,I got it.

    we used call it "Cat Scratch" in Chinese words.ha

    it's nice to know these ,thanks a lot.

    You are talking about the "猫须"

    you can talk about 暗藏柳钉 or 赤耳!!!! I'm here to translate if you need!!!!

    just type in simplified caracter 简体字 (even If I know taiwan use繁体字 ) and I'll do it for you!!!!

    feel free to give anything from your friend collection; of course it will help a lot in my traslation work:)

    Happy to meet you 朋友 !!! welcome on the forum and don't let people bother you with the difference of taste...

    I know that is not the evolution thread but that is my denime 66. I wish it was the xx one...





  10. The vintage levis were replced by nice looking samurai and sd. What happened?

    I was thinking exacltly the same thing...

    He must have changed the link, but how he changed the text in the first post??

    I want to do the same thing!!!

    sammyshima how did you do that?? please theach me!!!!

    now it's so funny to read the thread one more time!!! it doesn't make any sense anymore!!!


    "those are teh ugly."

    "No offense, but those look pretty awful"

    Well, the ugly lvc become wonderfull samurai...I wish I can do the same thing with my pair of gap...lol

  11. :)

    sabotage is great, probably one of the most important music video ever, all the other video from spike jonze are amazing ,especially this for fatboy-slim



    Michel gondry is a genius. And french like me. tons of music video , I've seen one very late few month ago, that was really great, I don't remenber the name of the band, it was about a split screen with two girls... one in each side, if someone remenber the name...

    Chris cunniganm also. portishead bjork and afex twin video are all very good example too.

    But the best one for me is thirty three by the smashing, seems like en holga camera movie!!!!

    can't find it in youtube!!! well. seems like I have to open an Id on youtube to resolve this problem...

  12. learn cantonese. i always want to learn.

    :) cantonese is great!!

    I'm fluent in both mandarin and french, and I do speak such a bad cantonese.

    But it's changing, from yesterday, I asked my girl friend I don't want her to speak mandarin with me anymore!! maybe the next year I will be able to write that kind of idiot sentence in cantonese too!!! It would be great.


    cantonese is probably "La plus sexy des langues" over the world!!

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