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Posts posted by hughsd

  1. dose the elestic give out or start to smell? i have some very old krew denim that i wore once then wased (thanks to a mustard acident) and the elastic gave out and they began to skink like burnt rubber... i know that your not supposed to put good denim in the dryer, but some times its the best way to get it back to its initail shape

  2. i remeber on particularily good store across from the restruant sea i belive that it was called the future perfect... they had some really nice stuff... unfortunately i had not heard about this site untill after my return and now realise that there is so much more to do in nyc then i had ever imagined

  3. Quote: anyone know who makes that gold front misfits tee thats in the picture on the leroy site? that thing is wackkkk with 4 k's and i wanna wear it to block parties and family reunions and all such fun gatherings.

    i got one made by lush life... its from an older collection so its gonna be real hard to get

  4. ahhh toronto would be a nice city to live in compared to fucking ottawa were im stuck... oh well... i have been to delphic defore... i didnt know they had surface to air stuff... whats the price point?

  5. i check out the surface to air sutff and it is real tight... however, i have no idea how im supposed to get my greedy little paws on some of it because i live up in the frozen north. Alex and chloe also have some really nice stuff and they have an online store

  6. I recently spent some time in williamsburg and i kept seeing tons of real cool jewlery for men. Any one know of good brands? Things like brass knuckel rings and daggers on chains and stuff. Thanks

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