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Posts posted by headtowall

  1. Lots of good suggestions here. A fun and apparently effective thing to try is setting a goal and rewarding yourself in some way (perhaps new jeans?) when you reach it. It takes some discipline, but that builds character. AND it's a healthy way to rationalize an extravagant purchase you would probably make anyway.

  2. Pru, you have the same jeans I do and I ride a lot. It REALLY does wear in the jeans drastically compared to regular day to day activity.

    I ride in the 47s and New Standards(not at the same time), and it seems like the 47s are weakening in the crotchal region faster than my APCs. The seam on the inside of the legs are getting frayed also.

    Reading back I haven't offered anything helpful. I guess I would say just continue doing what you're doing and then patch them if they rip. It will still look fine.

  3. My 47s did not stretch much after an initial warm soak. I wore mine until dry after that so they wouldn't shrink too small. There are pics of them in the Before and After thread to attest to the lack of stretchage.

  4. Ha, yeah. For a second I thought that was a comment about the jeans being tight and was like "jeez, that's harsh and sort of weird," but then I remembered that the cat happened to be in the pic.

    In regards to the size, they're a 30. I'm considering unwashed Okinawas for my next pair, and am wondering what size to get. I'd want them slightly looser. Any advice, experts?

    Edited by headtowall on Jun 16, 2006 at 08:29 AM

  5. Quote:

    Television is one of those bands I sincerely believe that people only pretend to listen to because some people long ago decided they were all those things good bands are alleged to be, 'seminal', 'ground-breaking', etc... I think Television are fucking boring.

    And jesus fuck a pony, what's with all the Libertines love? Are you on NME's payroll?

    Today, so far:

    Scum - Gospels for the Sick

    The Berzerker - Dissimulate

    TV On the Radio - Return To Cookie Mountain

    RazorxProductions - Killing Sound

    Spank Rock - Yoyoyoyoyoyo

    I kind of think a lot of people in this thread have really mediocre taste- like those kids who are into 'alternative' music and think themselves great for resisting the great mammoth record industry, but are only listening to whatever Spin magazine and Pitchforkmedia rate well. Anyone else get this feeling. Anyone? Anyone? I can't be alone; a bunch of few have listed certifiably awesome music.

    Some elitist scumbag music junkie back me up here.

    --- Original message by onemancult on Jun 12, 2006 03:24 PM

    I tend to agree. Televion's pretty boring.

    Today has been:

    Hoover - Lurid Traversal of Route 7

    Ink & Dagger - Ink & Dagger

    Moss Icon - Lyburnum

    Neurosis - Souls at Zero

  6. Quote:

    headtowall, you sure have lots of wear in the critch area... not uncomfortable at all?

    --- Original message by PG2G on Jun 11, 2006 02:11 PM

    Ha. It's the biking that does that. Not uncomfortable.
  7. My New Standards at about 4 months. I've been wearing my LVC 47s a lot more lately, so these haven't been getting as much wear. However, those are soaking now, so the APCs are happening again.






  8. Quote:



    --- Original message by d on Jun 1, 2006 02:07 PM


    --- Original message by LanceP on Jun 2, 2006 01:59 PM








    Awesome band.

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